How to handle a naughty 2 year old?

2013-03-12 10:17 pm
My 2 1/2 year old, who has really been pretty good, cooperative, and helpful up until recently has started being naughty and disobedient. When I tell her to do something, she says "No!" which in my book is not an appropriate response. When I tell her to stop doing something, she continues to do it anyways. She is not stupid, and I know she understands what I'm saying. I know toddlers are known for being stubborn, but I'm upset. I feel it's important for her to take me seriously. In certain situations it could be a matter of life and death... if we're out in the city, for example, and she starts to run into oncoming traffic and I shout "Stop!" I'd like to be confident that she'll listen to me, not just defiantly ignore me!!
I have a newborn now, and my patience is wearing thin. I find myself yelling at my daughter frequently(when she's disobedient) which I feel slightly guilty about, since I'm not sure it's the right approach.
But I try very hard to be consistent with her. I'm also trying very hard to avoid making her jealous of the new baby...(making sure to spend quality one-on-one time with her each day, praising her for being such a big girl, letting her help out with the baby.)
So how can I make her -respect- and -listen- to me???! Any tips? I NEED them!
Thanks in advance!!!

回答 (10)

2013-03-12 10:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
She's at the age where she's seeking a little bit more independence and control in her life. It can really help if you try to give her more options throughout the day. Let her have a choice on as many things as she can. For example, let her choose her socks, her bowl, her plate, what fruit to have with lunch, whether to stay at the park for 10 more minutes or 5 more minutes, etc.

This will help out during the times she can't choose. She'll at least still feel like she has some say in her life.

Also, I'm sure she's acting up because of the baby. Seems like you're doing what you can to help her not be jealous, but it's a big transition. As parents, we start to treat the older child as a big kid when the baby comes. She's probably feeling the add responsibility: she has to be quiet at certain times, she has to be careful, etc. Things she probably didn't have to worry about as much before baby. Just keep up with the one on one time and extra praise and she'll soon rediscover her role in the family and start acting better.

Tips for toddler discipline at:
Tips on handling the terrible twos:
2013-03-14 3:15 pm
The naughty step works if given a try place her on a spot somewere and leave her for 2 min ( min per age) if she moves put her back and start time again she will properly scream and cry but ignore her completly (seems crawl I no) as she is trying to get any attention from you. Once she has done 2 min tell her why u put her there and why it was naughty and you want her to say sorry then leave it at that that's punishment over. Will take ages till she realises not to do that again my son once was put on the naughty step bascially all day once.
Stay carlm and paitent. Good luck
2017-02-28 7:45 am
2017-02-18 4:01 am
2013-03-13 11:04 pm
time out i.e. naughty step, mat, chair, corner. with persistance it should work1 :)
2013-03-13 10:11 pm
2 year olds have tantrums. They're famously known as the "terrible twos" so you will be able to speak with the other mums at pre-school and nursery and they should be able to advice you as it's hard through a computer screen! Maybe speak to your child's key worker also and suggest a "time sample observation" you can google it further and find samples online.

However, you have hit the nail on the head...... New baby!! This is SUCH a common rebellion topic for whatever age! Your child is missing the time she/he had with mummy before this new baby came along! Another common thing for the other child to say is, "can't we just give the baby back for 4 days" . This shows they do love the new addition to the family and do want them gine forever, but they just want time with mummy and daddy like it was before them!

It's important not to bring too much attention to negative behaviour- for example, imagine it in an adult situation - how would you like it if you worked your bum off on a report for work, and it was realllllyyyy good but the boss didn't recognise this and pointed out all your spelling mistakes?

You need to insure that negative behaviour is challenged however- come down to the child's level and insure you have their full attention say, " 'Kate' you can't just run across roads like that. Cars are fast and dangerous! If they hit you you'd be hurt. You would have to go to hospital. That would make mummy so sad (sad face) and you wouldn't be able to see your friends at pre school! I'm trying to keep you safe! You need to use your listening ears! Okay? Right! Lets use our listening ears and as we continue to walk down the street tell me what sounds you can hear. Maybe birds, or a police siren?"

Insure short sentences and in a language they will understand!

Then, drop in "demands" such as 'okay! Stop before we cross this road!" And you should notice she will respond.

Try and reward your child not with sweets or a trip t the cinema (although this is lovely!) try and reward with quality time such as , "go wash your hands for dinner and then after you can play Lego with mummy?". A visual reward such as a behaviour chart will be fabulous too! Be consistent, if you make a threat- follow it through! Don't give up! Parenting is hard, no one said it would be easy! Don't make unrealistic targets- something such as brushing their teeth for the who,e 3 minuets will be a go,s star etc!

The EYFS is a fabulous documentation from the government and is the curriculum which nurseries and re schools and infant schools work with. It shows the child's development and how you can encourage positive behaviour, increase your child's development etc.

Overall, turn everything into a game! Keep your child interested and feeling proud of their behaviour!
參考: Level 3 CCLD, ofsted qualified nanny, childminder. 800hrs placement.
2013-03-13 7:52 pm
Try the naughty step and stick to it and well out try getting her one of them hand restraints
2013-03-13 5:43 pm
2.5 can be a very difficult age, especially with a new baby in the house. It's great that you find time to be one-on-one with her. Keep doing that - it's very important.

You don't say what you try to do to stop the behavior. You are going to have to use some sort of consistent and fair discipline. Each child needs something different. For example, with my child, we would give one clear warning, making sure he got the message, and also telling him what the punishment would be (example: not getting a story before bed). Then, if he did it again, we did the punishment. Be prepared for some serious crying, but kids do need structure and discipline. It won't make her behavior perfect (you don't want that anyway), but it will help.
2013-03-12 10:25 pm
What i do with my children that has been VERY effective is the Naughty spot from the show super nanny.
You pick a seat or area for your child to sit and name it the naughty spot.
The steps of the Naughty spot are:

1. Tell the child what you want them to stop doing

2. Give them a warning

3. Take them to the naughty spot and explain to them why they are there

4. Walk Away, don't make eye contact and don't talk to them. You may have to set them back in the naughty spot if they try to get up and leave but every time they do and you have to place them back in the naughty spot you reset their timer and you do not talk to them other then to say "You are in the naughty spot because you did not listen to mommy"

5.Set a timer for a min per age so if your daughter is 2 then she has to sit there for 2 min

6. After the time goes off you go back and tell them again why they are in the naughty spot

7. Ask for an apology

8. Hugs and kisses

We used to spank the kids and it never really worked. We switched to this and our children listen SO much better now it was a miracle! No more yelling or spanking!
2013-03-12 11:07 pm
I know toddlers are known for being stubborn, but I'm upset.
>> Toddlers are whatever their parents MAKE them. Good parenting=good toddlers. Bad parenting=bad toddler..........GET IT?

re: My 2 1/2 year old, who has really been pretty good, cooperative, and helpful up until recently has started being naughty and disobedient.
>> I'd say it's her reaction to the new (threatening) baby because you have some how FAILED to mentally prepare her for the new, menacing kid and she is ANGRY and HURT now.

re: So how can I make her -respect- and -listen- to me???! Any tips?
>> Try online Parenting Classes or see a counselor to help you understand how to be a parent.
參考: Sibling jealousy is caused by faulty parenting

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