Why do people think 'Christians' have killed millions of people?

2013-03-12 5:18 am
This is so ridiculous. Hitler was NOT Christian. In fact, he killed millions of Christians! Hitler was raised Catholic, and became and atheist. I wish people would get their facts straight! The Crusades were done by the Catholic church, in response to the Muslims who attacked and raped thousands of people in Europe. Payback is hell, people. They got tired of the Muslims raping, pillaging and killing, and decided to go after them. That's what the crusades were all about- retribution.
And not all who call themselves 'christian' are christian. I resent the fact that people keep saying all these 'Christians' have killed millions. Do your research. Atheists have killed MILLIONS and MIILLIONs of people, far more than Christians have. Stalin, Hitler, Po Pot, atheist dictators,- all of them are atheist. Let's give credit to where credit is due. Atheists are the murderers in this world.

回答 (13)

2013-03-12 8:29 pm
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A couple of points.

Hitler became a Pagan, not an Atheist. He planned to set up the Pagan Reich Church and outlaw Christianity. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protestant_Reich_Church
"Reich Church Plan is Assailed Here," New York Times, January 3, 1942 http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F30D1FFD3D58167B93C6A9178AD85F468485F9

The Crusades were wars of self defense, not retribution.

Muslim armies had conquered Syria, Persia, Palestine, Egypt, North Africa, Spain, Sicily, Southern Italy, Cyprus, Rhodes, Sardinia, Majorca, Crete, and Malta which had been some of the most heavily Christian areas in the world. They attacked Rome and came within 100 miles of Paris before being pushed back.

Thousands, and possibly millions, of Christians died during this drive to eventually bring the entire world under Islam. The First Crusade was launched in 1095 by Pope Urban II to check the advance of the Muslims and regain control of the city of Jerusalem and the Holy Land. If this defensive war was not fought then we would probably all be Muslim today.

I am sure that some atrocities were committed by individuals of both sides during this war but by most people's judgment this was a just and defensive war. For more information, see:
+ The Crusaders by Régine Pernoud
+ God’s Battalions: The Case for the Crusades (2009) by Rodney Stark
+ Islam at the Gates (2008) by Diane Moczar
+ Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Crusade
+ Crash Course on the Crusades by Steve Weidenkopf http://www.crisismagazine.com/2012/crash-course-on-the-crusades

With love in Christ.
2013-03-12 5:21 am
Because they have. Hitler killed more Jews than Christians, honey, and he was not an atheist. He though he was chosen from God. How can he be an atheist then?

Read Mein Kampf is you want to know how religious Hitler was.
2013-03-12 5:25 am
Wait the first Crusade was payback? Oh, silly me. And here I was thinking they attacked Muslims because they wanted to control Jerusalem and all its trade routes.

Perhaps you can enlighten me and every other historian out there and tell me exactly what war the First Crusade was payback for?

Also, read Mein Kampf, then tell me again why you think a man who constantly invokes god is an atheist.
2013-03-12 5:25 am
Can you find an atheist who isn't also a communist?

Let's talk a bit about say....Charlemagne. He conquored all Europe. While he was at it he hacked off everyone's head who wouldn't convert. Think you blame that on the ones attacked?

Same with the crusades. Who was at home and who were the aggressors?

See...the problem here is MOTIVATION. Not one of your examples were motivated by being atheists. On the other hand

Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.
-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

There are other examples. Hitler was clearly motivated by his religious beliefs.
2013-03-12 5:21 am
because some of us actually payed attention in history class
2013-03-12 5:24 am
This is a stupid question. You're trying to wage war against atheists yourself with this question. That isn't a very Christian thing to do. The church itself acknowledges that we have done some terrible things in the past -- was it God's will? No. But His followers carried it out in His name anyway.

Anyway, in short, this isn't some sort of anti-popularity contest. Pointing fingers and saying, "Well...well they did bad stuff more than we did bad stuff!" is what people do in kindergarten. Own up, acknowledge that all people, regardless of their religious background, have done terrible things in the past, and will probably do terrible things in the future. Personally, I wouldn't call YOU a Christian, as I'm pretty sure Jesus did not say to us, "go forth and point fingers at those Atheist scallywags!" Additionally, Jesus did not go around seeking "payback" for wrongs done to him, so it's a little nauseating that you're saying, "Oh, well, it's OKAY that the Catholics killed lots of people -- they were muslims!"

You are supposed to be making peace with people and bringing them to God, not throwing them under the bus and trying to blame them for mistakes that did and did not belong to us as Christians.

It's people like you and questions like this that drive people to become atheists, and if this is the impression they are getting of Christianity, I don't blame them. Good job.
參考: Jesus.
2013-03-12 5:21 am
Isn't that convenient? When a person is no longer good for PR, you say, "He stopped being a Christian! He doesn't count!"
2013-03-12 5:21 am
you forgot Vlad Lenin and Mao
2013-03-12 5:21 am
Can we agree that dogma is behind all the genocides of history?
2013-03-12 5:22 am
um because they have!
2013-03-12 5:37 am
It is true that RELIGION has brought about much bloodshed! I love God with all my heart but this is a known fact. Christianity is quite different than Religion. The Crusades where much more than you are saying, The Catholic was a power hungry group of Religious hierarchy intent on wiping out any who opposed them, we can not deny the blood shed. You have to understand that the religious church of Christ's day killed him! The religious church killed our savior, In scripture Jesus said, I came to you and like a hen who gathers her chicks under her wing I would have gathered you, but you knew me not.The highest in the Church knew him not and killed him, because he wanted peace, and to abolish the law, When he died we no longer lived under the Law, but under GRACE! there is a big difference between Religion and a relationship with Christ. Power corrupts men and without a true relationship with Christ it never gets better.
2013-03-12 5:37 am
Why do people think 'Christians' have killed millions of people?

~~~ Because you have!
It's the simple history of which the chronically ignorant are unaware because their brains are riddled with 'beliefs'!

This is so ridiculous. Hitler was NOT Christian.

~~~ Either a lie or ignorance!
He admitted his Xtianity many times, all on record.

And if you are 'judging' him, then it is YOU who are noot being a Xtian but a hateful judgmental sinner, vain and prideful!

"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!"
As you have done!

I didn't need to read beyond the lie that you built your little house of cards upon!
I would expect no less from a tiny pricklet who thumbs down all who see through his vanity and lies!
2016-08-08 11:56 am
Greed and Agression. I do agree that Christians killing Christians is the stupidest factor on this planet. However greed, vigor, and Agression get in the way. England and Spain fought each and every other over greed, territory, and energy. Germany and France fought each and every different over greed, power, self safeguard and agression. We're people and part of our nature is inconsistancy. Thats one of the most effects of original Sin. All construction took on a corruptedness. We're coming to the factor where we comprehend that Christians killings christains shouldn't be good it doesn't matter what the reason. We are coming to the conclusion that killing any individual just isn't a just right factor universally. This is one of the results of Christianity on the earth. We are slowly seeing every different as brothers and sisters within Christianity and in the wider world. No longer that it wasnn't there all alongside, however increasingly men and women are focusing in on this aspect of life. God created us all. The Papal Social Encyclicals have helped within the field very much. We're finding out to look all peoples as God's kids. We knew this earlier than, but when cultures had been clans they have been like giant households. When the family was once threatened you fought. This method of oneness is now seen universally by many. We are one in being God's youngsters as stated above. However you are going to consistently have agressers and the necessity of self security. Two men and women can see the things in two exceptional ways. It will lead to conflict. Now not all Christians are the equal. Sure they must be within the subject of love and devotion. However conflicts do arise over assets, cultural variations, perceived problems actual or imagined. Its a intricate world. Do not think for a minute that I feel all this justifies Christians killing Christians. I don't. However as a history teacher I see these as historic reasons. Human beings will always have issues, Christian or now not. Might be someday Love of God and neighbor will stand out so vividly that wars will finish, at the least amonst Christians. I'd refer you to the files of Vatican Council II and the Papal Social Encyclicals of the final 100 years. .

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