Looking for a part time/casual job atm. Which Australian companies/shops/brands welcome Asian to join them?

2013-03-12 12:52 am
Hi everyone, I'm an international student who have been Brisbane for 6 years. At the moment, I'm looking for a part time job or casual position from one of the major company founded by Aussies (I'm tired of working in Chinese, Japanese restaurant with low pay). I hope doing so will improve my English standard as well as understand the Australian values.

Despite the fact that Australia has a diverse culture, racial preference seems to be alive in reality. For example, you hardly ever see anyone from the Asia, middle-east work in woolies. Therefore, I wanna now which Australian company has a more welcoming and open-minded atmosphere for foreigners like me.

回答 (2)

2013-03-12 2:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
These companies has a requirement of high English Levels. Anyone with lower English levels (and you have stated you want a job to improve you English) will not hire you in those roles. The job is not there to improve your English. if you have been here for 6 years it would be expected that your english levels would be high already.
2016-10-08 2:33 pm
An achieved use of the quatrain in the "ballad" form of previous. The narrative would not flag, and there are some staggering touches on the way. The concourse of individuals is easily captured by utilising the 1st stanza. The shift from iambics in stanza 3 is a sturdy concept, because it attracts the attention to Rosalind, which could have been precisely Tristan's reaction. The return to iambics in the stanza's very final line shows the "returned off to earth" realisation that his rival is sitting beside her. I cherished "the mead had accomplished the deed" - a drunken stupor pronounced by utilising an assonance/inner rhyme! shop up the stable paintings.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 14:43:16
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