
2013-03-12 12:21 am
1. 聽人講投考飛機師需要有好既視力, 如果我本身有近視500-600度,會唔會不被考慮?同埋, 我知另外要取得一個 first class既medical certificate先有資格做機師, 但係我想知其實點樣先達標?

2. 投考飛機師另外還需要什麼條件? 有什麼東西需要長時間準備?

望有經驗人士提供意見, 謝謝!

回答 (4)

2013-03-14 7:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
***** (1) it should be depending on the eye test result!
***** (2) Eyesight test is only one of the many criteria. Passing it doesn't mean "會一定被考慮".

另外要取得一個 first class既medical certificate
***** (1) It's Class ONE medical

可以到Cathay Pacific參加Cadet Pilot Programme(CPP)不過你又可以試下以下方法:

你可以先去Adelaide(阿德萊德)or其他飛行學校上幾堂SPL(Student Pilot
Licence)攞D飞行經驗,唔使全部學完,學到個Instructor比你飛solo就得,因為全部學完好貴,差不多120萬。你可以寫落本"log book"。到時比本log book個國泰考官看,證明個Instructor放心比你自己飛。
***** (1) The more qualification u have, the harder the questions in the interview.
***** (2) 120萬??? A PPL is only 120K. 120萬 is the full CPL + ATPL

***** not that much.

(Cathay Pacific)入職要求:
1.Have an excellent command of written and spoken English
2.Be physically fit and qualify for a Class I Medical
(身體健康和符合 Class I 體格檢查,以國泰為凖)
***** (1) Class ONE medical is CAD standard. CX must comply with this and they can have more stringent criteria.

3.Meet flight deck reach requirements which is subject to a functional reach test
4.Have completed secondary school and have good passes in mathematics and science, or have a degree or diploma, or have passes in all ATPL subjects
(已完成中學和pass數學和科學,有學位或文憑,或pass所有 ATPL 科目)
5.Hong Kong permanent residents 18 years of age
6.Love flying
7.Didn't do big surgery
***** (1) Who said this?
***** (2) Didn't do big surgery is Honglish.

2013-03-13 23:46:34 補充:
***** RUBBISH. Contradiction. it's about FLYING A PLANE. nothing on the pathway to achieve!

2013-03-13 23:49:41 補充:
1. 聽人講投考飛機師需要有好既視力, 如果我本身有近視500-600度,會唔會不被考慮?
** is it correctable to 20/20?

同埋, 我知另外要取得一個 first class既medical certificate先有資格做機師, 但係我想知其實點樣先達標?
** the requirement is not public. so no one knows.

2. 投考飛機師另外還需要什麼條件?
** check out at the airlines website.

** Refer to above
2013-03-13 4:10 am
會一定被考慮。另外要取得一個 first class既medical certificate可以到Cathay
Pacific參加Cadet Pilot Programme(CPP)不過你又可以試下以下方法:

你可以先去Adelaide(阿德萊德)or其他飛行學校上幾堂SPL(Student Pilot
Licence)攞D飞行經驗,唔使全部學完,學到個Instructor比你飛solo就得,因為全部學完好貴,差不多120萬。你可以寫落本"log book"。到時比本log book個國泰考官看,證明個

(Cathay Pacific)入職要求:
1.Have an excellent command of written and spoken English
2.Be physically fit and qualify for a Class I Medical
(身體健康和符合 Class I 體格檢查,以國泰為凖)
3.Meet flight deck reach requirements which is subject to a functional reach test
4.Have completed secondary school and have good passes in mathematics and science, or have a degree or diploma, or have passes in all ATPL subjects
(已完成中學和pass數學和科學,有學位或文憑,或pass所有 ATPL 科目)
5.Hong Kong permanent residents 18 years of age
6.Love flying
7.Didn't do big surgery

**以上資料只反映我,my Instructor 的意見及資料來自www.cathaypacific.com,


大家有航空的問題可以e-mail我 :[email protected] 我會儘量解答
2013-03-12 1:08 am
1. It depends on your vision after corrective lens (Pilots are allowed to fly with glasses).

If your vision can meet the requirement with glasses, you are fine. Otherwise, no.

You can see more from here:


(Please note - due to ICAO standard, most countries licensing requirements are the same, which the U.S. standard is the highest in the world. Therefore, if you meet the U.S. standard, you should be able to be licensed in any other country as well.)

2. You have to know exactly what you want. Getting a CPL is not difficult, if you have the time and money. But if you want to be an airliner pilot, you should check with the airline recruit procedure first (do they prefer CPL applicants, or do they offer people without flying experience).

Unlike a driver license, a pilot license can be wasted if you don't fly.
2013-03-12 12:26 am

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