VOA英文 句型文法問題

2013-03-12 4:02 am
Every year, IBM Corporation chooses five new technologies it believes will

change the world within the next five years.


不太會解釋句型的文法為什麼believes 會與will change 接在一起,




it believes that five new technologies will change the world within the next

five years.

但在此句為何 that five new technologies 可以省略,請各位大大幫忙,謝謝

回答 (3)

2013-03-12 8:20 pm
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Every year, IBM Corporation chooses five new technologies which it believes will change the world within the next five years.

it believes只是[插入語],用來加入寫作者或說話者的判斷,評論,情緒,或註解,與句子的結構無關。這裡是用來註明這只是該公司的看法,後來不一定能成真,如果不加的話,就變成必然會成真了。

名詞technologies有兩組修飾語,前面是five new,後面是which will change the world within the next five years,都有限定功能。

原句缺了從屬連接詞which/that,使得文法結構有了缺陷,造成判讀困難,讓讀者以為是當believes受詞的關代that被省略,而it believes成為主句結構的一部分,是當修飾語的形容詞子句,而不是插入語。

You can't lend me any money, I suppose?
He was really afraid, I believe.
Have you seen that bowl, you know, the blue one?
He was the first man, I believe, to swim the Bosporus.
2013-03-12 8:00 am
Every year, IBM Corporation chooses five new technologies.
IBM Corporation believes a fact.
The fact is that five new technologies will change the world within the next five years.
其中第二、第三句的"a fact", "the fact"是還原時為了維護句子的完整性必須補回去的。
這樣補當然看起來很多餘,因為實際上這個"fact"指的就是第三句中that後面一長串的名詞子句講的東西;既然believe需要名詞來做受詞,名詞子句又具有名詞的性質,就乾脆把沒有意義的"fact"拿掉,直接把要"被believe"的那個名詞子句放到believe後面,這其實就是字典中believe that ... 的用法:
IBM Corporation believes (that) five new technologies will change the world within the next five years.
接下來就是再把它和第一個句子接起來,這次靠的就是關係子句了。做為"關係"的候選(兩個句子相同的地方)有兩個:一是IBM Corporation,另一個是five new technologies;選擇用IBM Corporation來產生關係是沒有意義的,因為"five new technologies"才是句子的重點,所以:
Every year, IBM Corporation chooses five new technologies which/that IBM Corporation believes [five new technologies] will change the world within the next five years.
中括號框起來的部分在實際上的句子中並不存在。它因為關係詞的緣故被拿到和產生關係的先行詞後頭去了,並替換成which/that。這個which/that也是可以省略的,因為下層的子句裡還是看得出完整的句子單元、讀者可以判斷是屬於不同層次。另外,重覆出現的IBM Corporation可以直接替換成it。所以變成:
Every year, IBM Corporation chooses five new technologies it believes will change the world within the next five years.
比較奇特的一點是,子句中的子句這一層(也就是believe後面的名詞子句作受詞用的那一層)在最後合併之後因為關係子句的緣故被破壞掉結構了:做為主詞的"five new technologies"被放到前面去、甚至被省略掉了。不過,因為第二層的it believes的結構很短、讀者也很容易判斷這種名詞子句的用法,所以不構成問題。
2013-03-12 5:17 am
是Every year, IBM Corporation chooses five new technologies (that) it believes will change the world within the next five years.的省略

但這個that不是修飾new technologies 關代,that子句是new technologies 的同位語,看這裡

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