
2013-03-10 10:56 am
係香港山窮水盡所以想去澳洲Working Holiday賺錢,但係英文唔好怕揾唔到野做,希望大家可以幫手翻譯下D基本英語會話,等小弟過到去唔使太徬徨。不勝感激!



我: 唔該!我想買張返香港既機票
我: 轉機丫唔該,請問我用特區護照需唔需要過境簽證架?


我: 唔該!我想開戶口,申請提款卡,網上戶口,預附信用卡同稅號
銀行職員:先生稅號係開左戶口後再自己上網登記就可以了,銀行戶口請出示護 照及住址證明。
我: 我剛剛落機,未揾地方住喎


我: 唔該,我想租床位
我: 要最平果種就可以喇
我: 我要十人房丫唔該
我: 我冇信用卡喎


我: 請問打Q-Fever疫苗要幾錢呀
我: 我要諗下先,唔該你。

我: 請問打Q-Fever疫苗要幾錢呀
我: 咁好丫,請幫我預約時間丫,唔知最快係幾時呢?
我: 好丫,請問診所位置係邊呀?
我: 咁係機場可搭咩車過去呀?係邊個站落車呀
我: 哦!唔該晒!


我:Working Holiday visa一年期的


我: 依架車既車價,保險,驗車,路票,牌費加埋一共要幾錢呀
我: 架車都唔錯,不過可唔可以平d呀,4000太貴喇,3000得唔得?
我: 不如試左車先啦

我: 架車起步完全冇力喎,車廂d膠扣又爛晒,2500啦
我: 唔得,一係送埋個車頂行李架比我啦



回答 (3)

2013-03-10 1:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Iwould like to buy an airline ticket to Hong Kong.Doyou want direct flight or a transfer?Transfer please. May I ask if I can use my passport or do I need a visa?Youcan have the visa done when you arrive at the destination.
I wouldlike to open a new account, apply for ATM card, online account, credit card anda tax identification number.Sir,you can register online for the tax identification number after opening anaccount. For the bank account, pleaseprovide passport and residence certification.Ijust got off the plane, and have not found a place to live yet.This can be implemented later. ATM card can be obtained in our institutionafter three business days.
I would like to have a bed.
What kind of room are you looking for, sir?
The most economical will do.
The price of six people room and ten peopleroom sharing the same bathroom on the same level are of no difference.
我:Please provide me with the one which willaccommodate ten people on the same level.旅館職員:MayI have your credit card and documentation please? I do not have a credit card.Then please give us a $100 deposit.

May I askhow much will it cost to have a Q-fever vaccination?Fourhundred dollars.
Let me think about it, thank you.

May I ask how much it cost to have aQ-fever vaccination?
Three hundred fifty dollars.That will do. Please make an appointment for me. When will be the earliest appointment available?Theday after tomorrow at 1600.OK. Where is the clinic situated?
How do Iget there from the airport? And whatstation should I get off? Many thanks.

Hi, I am a backpacker. Are you hiring?
What kind of passport do you possess?Working Holiday visa which is good for a year.
How long had you been here?
I had arrived in Brisbane last week.Email me for the rest of the translation: [email protected]
2013-03-10 8:19 pm
In the airport
Customer:Excuse me! I would like to buy an air ticket for back to Hongkong;
Airline agent: Do you want direct or indirect flight ticket ?
Customer: May I have indirect flight ticket please. And I want to know do I need to have additional visa for transfer piror to Hongkong if I have a Hongkong SAD's passport?
Airline agent: You can ask the authority there to obtain the visa while the transfer at the airport.
The bank.
Customer: Excuse me ! I would like to open a bank account and also apply for a debit or bank card; at the sametime, the internet account and credit card.
Bank officer: Sir, the application of credit card can be done by online service after having opened the bank account. While for openning the bank account,it requires your passport and the supporting document of your address.
Customer: I have no address for the time being as I have just got off the airplane.
Bank officer: No probem, you can submit later. As for the bank debit card, it will be ready for you to pick up after three days.
Youth motel
Customer: Excuse me ! I woulk like to rent a bed.
Motel assistant: Can you tell me what kind of room do you need or like?
Customer: The cheapest one will do.
Motel assistant:There are two kinds of multi-persons' room with either six or ten persons of the same rent for each bed; the former using shared common bath and toilet room among each floor while the latter shared within each room.
Customer: I prefer the ten persons' room please.
Motel assistant: Please provide your credit card and identity document.
Customer: Sorry, I don't have any credit card.
Motel assistant: If so, please deposit $100 dollars for downpayment.
2013-03-10 7:24 pm
Start by airport

I: I want to buy back to Hong Kong Flights
Ground crew: nonstop scheduled turnaround?
I: turn for the better, I use the SAR passport holders need not need transit visa rack?
You can go to the local airport ground staff: do first visa on arrival


I: I would like to open accounts, apply for an ATM card, online account, pre-attached to the credit card with the tariff lines
Bank staff: Mr. Tax ID system and then open the left account can register online bank account Please show your passport and proof of address.
Me: I just drop the machine, no place to live Useful Wai
Bank staff: No Problem Post-meeting ATM card three days later to the Bank to receive

Youth hostels

I: I want to rent beds in
Hotel staff: Will the edge kind of room?
I Pingguo: To most species can LA
Hotel staff: Liu Renfang whole floor shared bathroom toilet room with ten people is the same as the price of the room has a bathroom toilet.
Me: I want the ten housing Ah Thank You
Hotel staff: a credit card with documents
I: Nuisance credit card Wai
Hotel staff: Link must first pay 100 for gold


I: How to play Q-Fever vaccine a few money!
Clinic staff: 400 mosquito
I: I have to make it clear first, Please.

I: How to play Q-Fever vaccine a few money!
Clinic staff: 350 mosquito
Me: good as the Ah, Please appointment Ah, do not know the fastest system when it?
Clinic staff: the day after tomorrow, 16:00 Ah
I: Well, yeah, I ask the clinic location Department side you?
I: Xian Department of Airport can take a baa cars in the past you? Line side stations off the car!

2013-03-10 11:26:41 補充:

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