Should I block my debit card or just change my PIN?

2013-03-09 8:47 pm
So, I think someone got a hold of technically my information for my debit card, but was a scam for credit cards - should I worry about this and completely block it now and order a new card, or should I not worry about it and change my PIN number when the bank opens on Monday? (It's too late to do anything about it today - it's past 12:00pm on Saturday where I am, and I can't find any way to change my PIN online.)

I tried calling VISA and actually got their credit card department on accident, and when they transferred me to the debit card department they didn't have my information at all, that my bank would have it - but the bank I use doesn't have a 24/7 call center.

So, since the information they would've gotten was for a credit card and it was actually my debit card, should I block my card and order a new one on Monday, or just wait and change my PIN then? They didn't get the 3-digit security number on the back of my card..

回答 (6)

2013-03-09 8:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Call it in lost/stolen.

On monday, your bank will give you a new temp card till the new one comes in the mail.
參考: Take no chances, it doesnt cost you anything to switch cards
2013-03-09 10:15 pm
Get a new card. Changing the PIN is not enough. The card can be used as a credit transaction which does not need the PIN, just a signature.
參考: BD
2016-08-07 2:10 pm
You could go to the branch and talk to them, or with some larger banks which you could trade it on-line after answering safety inquiries to be certain you are the account holder. Excellent good fortune! I've completed it too. :-)
2013-03-11 5:06 pm
I would monitor what was charged on my debit card by logging on to the account and reviewing the charges. Also try and keep the minimun about you can in the account because if someone does charge fraudulently then you can reduce your exposure by not having a high balance.
2013-03-09 9:00 pm
Change ur pin
2013-03-09 8:55 pm
Block your card get a new one be careful of scams and change your pin you may not need to pay anything sometimes you do so beware and ask you credit card co good luck.
參考: Lost my card once and got the card back in the mail I was lucky no fraud I cancelled my credit card

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