What do you think of Pastor Dennis Terry?

2013-03-09 10:11 am

回答 (6)

2013-03-09 10:46 am
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That he not only is a disgrace to his species, he isn't exactly a credit to his religion, either.

That this ******** has so many people applauding him is staggering.
2013-03-09 10:51 am
Christian Nation ? Well i think the Native Inhabitants had first hand experience of Christianity at work when they were Raped,Butchered,Eradicated and their Lands Stolen. Yes the power of God gave them a Warm Fuzzy Feeling in the Stomach as they Starved to death on Reservations
2013-03-09 10:21 am
Personally, I prefer Pastor Deacon.

2013-03-09 10:18 am
I found the clip amusing.
2013-03-09 10:12 am
I think he's a lame old man!
2013-03-11 6:39 pm
May God Bless you ...
Thank ... ❤

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