UK Law Schools

2013-03-09 8:47 pm
I was currently given 4 conditional offers from 4 UK Universities. They were
the University of Warwick, Lancaster University, University of Exeter and Keele University. Other than Keele Uni., all the other issued conditional offers of 5,5,5 in any three HKDSE subjects. Keele's offer is 5,5,4

Lancaster offered me a double major programme in Laws and Politics while Keele was more or less the same, a double major programme in Laws and Philosophy.

May I ask, in terms of academic reputation which TWO universities should I choose? and if I wish to go back to HK and study PCLL, which uni. should I choose?


回答 (2)

2013-03-12 1:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) May I ask, in terms of academic reputation which TWO universities should I choose?

>> 如果我係你, 我會揀warwick, 因為佢係英國同hk 都係有名氣過其他3間. 所以我會firm 佢, 而insurance 我會揀keele, 因為如果你放lancaster, exeter既話, 你拎唔到5, 5, 5 你都入唔到, 放呢2間都冇用, 同時, 呢2間既名氣亦差唔多, keele 會比較保守一d.

2) if I wish to go back to HK and study PCLL, which uni. should I choose?

>> 都係會揀warwick, 我有好多朋友都係係warwick 讀完law, 之後番去hku 讀一年pcll, 而warwick 既business 同law dept 係hk 都會有人聽過, 對你入番hku 讀pcll 有幫助 (provided 個degree 讀得好, 有2:1 以上)

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp :]
2013-03-10 10:08 pm
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