Do you think daylight saving is a good idea, why or why not?

2013-03-08 11:32 pm
It's that time of year, when most Americans lose an hour's sleep. This Sunday morning at 2 a.m., we'll be moving our clocks ahead for daylight saving time. So what do you think? Good idea? Bad idea? Tell us your opinion!

回答 (341)

2013-03-09 2:00 am
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Hi There

No I do not think it is a good idea.
The earth revolves at the same speed and there is no way to change that.

Anyone who wants to get up early is welcome to do so.
anyone who wants to sleep late is welcome to do so.

It is a good thing that there is no way for politicians to control the weather.

Hope this helps,
2013-03-11 2:39 pm
I don't think you can really look at it in terms of good or bad idea, but I do think it's a waste of time. The whole premise of daylight savings (or so I learned & read) was to be able to save energy & electricity by using less of it due to more daylight. However, studies have shown (unfortunately, I don't have specific stats to back up what I'm saying) that energy consumption is about the same during daylight saving time as it is after daylight saving ends. I can't think of any other use for daylight saving, so again, I think it's a waste of time.

: )
2013-03-11 2:23 am
Benjamin Franklin's idea worked great. It no longer works because it was NOT about saving electricity, or energy as we know it today. It was about saving CANDLES, and lantern fuel. And it saved a lot. But we use electric lights during the day now so it makes no difference. It was a good idea that is now obsolete. Kind of like candles.

Though Ben is credited with discovering electricity. They did not have electric lights or any way of harnessing that energy at the time. Keep in mind they did not even use the word "energy" in the way we do. They did not have, or use, petroleum then. They were only using wood, and coal, for heating, which daylight savings time does not affect at all. No steamships, no trains. Just sails and horses.
His idea did also save on Whale oil which was used for lighting as well.
2013-03-11 6:10 pm
It messes me up so bad. i don't rely on a physical clock most of the time but my own internal clock so when i have to change the real clock my body doesn't always get the message. the idea behind doing so was originally good. give the men and women the work during the day some time of sunlight after work however i question the need for it now since you don't see a lot people going out to parks or even playing in there yard with there children after work instead you have people working longer hours so it makes no difference if at 5pm the sun is still up. It does give a problem when you are working with people that are in other countries because then you have to know only know the time difference but if they change over or not.

so its not so much a question of is it good or bad but is it still needed? I do not feel that it is I feel it is more of an annoyance then a benefit.
2013-03-11 4:41 pm
It is a needless endeavor. Whether it was to conserve fuel or give farmers more daylight hours it is outdated. It doesn't need to be light outside at 9:00 PM in June. Ever try putting a kid to bed for the night when there is still sunlight streaming in? It is proven that the amount of money lost by the time change is ridiculous (more than a few Million just in Chicago area) due to mistake made by tired people. It should be ended.
2013-03-11 4:09 pm
Seems the older I get the harder it is for me to make the adjustment to the time change. I seem to function better on day-light savings time so I would very much like to stay year around on this time. If Arizona can do it why can't California? I have not seen any real advantages financial or otherwise by changing the time back and forth. Anyone I've talked with over the years concerning the time change wish we would leave it alone and let our bodies adjust slowly to longer or shorter daylight hours instead of abruptly changing the clocks. Bad Idea.
參考: My bio-logical clock
2013-03-11 3:45 pm
I don't think that daylight savings is a good idea. I prefer to have my dark nights and light mornings. Another reason is you lose an order of sleep. I'd prefer if we didn't have daylight savings.
2013-03-11 5:59 am
It had it's purpose when it was first derived, but has outlived it's usefullness. It's intended effect. to save energy is actually defeated in some areas due to being too far north or too far south, so the daylight hours are not in line with human activity. Also, being many parts of the world do not use it, it only tends to cause confusion. And regardless of what time the clock is set to, there are still the same number of days in any 24 hour period. Sort of like the age old question, which weighs more, 1 ton of feathers or 1 ton of rocks.
2013-03-11 2:47 am
It isn't a good idea. The transition will put most people off clock. You won't even notice the change if you stay outdoors, because you will use the amount of sunlight. It is unnecessary. If they don't change the clock, we will still be the same. Daylight saving gives us an extra hour of sleep a few months after it deprives us of one. Few countries in the world do it, and it will be better without it. Now all you have to do it wait until the clock changes again to get your hour of sleep. Good luck waiting...
2013-03-10 12:00 am
No. Arizona has the right idea not changing their clocks at all. Daylight savings time only screws up our sleep patterns and meal times and is incredibly frustrating, not to mention the fact that some people are probably late to work because they either forgot to change their clock or slept through their alarm because it was set an hour earlier than usual.

Oh yeah. It also messes up my dog's meal schedule and when she gets taken out in the morning. And you can't exactly explain to a dog why she's being forced out of bed an hour early in the spring or has to wait an hour later to be fed in the fall.
2013-03-09 8:46 pm
Yeah it is a good idea. It saves money, by saving on electricity costs. The more you get closer to the Northern and Southern Hemisphere, the more pronounced the difference between summer daylight and winter nightlight.

Otherwise, in the winter time, some places will see the sun going down at like 3PM, if we didn't have daylight savings time, and in the summertime the sun will be going down at 9PM, I think.

People don't realize how much the sun fluctuates during the season and the daylight savings program is supposed to alleviate some of that fluctuation.

It doesn't make any difference for countries that are close to the equator, since they get the same amount of daylight all year round, so this doesn't apply to these countries.

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 23:45:32
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