Where is all the 9mm ammunition?

2013-03-07 6:15 pm
I went out and bought my first handgun. A Taurus 9mm pt709 "Slim". I can't find 9mm ammo anywhere. It occurs to me that to control guns, doesn't necessarily mean control the weapon. If there's no ammo, it's like a hammer with no nails. Anyone know what's going on?

回答 (14)

2013-03-07 6:26 pm
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Right now there is nationwide panic buying going on.

People are hoarding ammo because they're scared that there might be ammo bans or taxied levied on ammo.

The ironic thing is that their own fear is causing the shortage.
2013-03-07 7:00 pm
The same thing happens every time the word ban is mentioned or a democrat is elected. Being this is your first handgun you're forgiven for not knowing what has happened twice in the last decade.

Beyond that, its not exactly a hidden fact as stated above it's been very well covered.

On the plus side in about 2 years I'll be once again getting some smoking deals on panic bought weapons.
2013-03-07 6:25 pm
They do have a 'search' function here - and - on the internet thingie. The term is called 'googling' - but you can do it on any search engine like Yahoo.

Using the search function here - you would have read the hundreds of 'where is all the ammo' questions that started 3 days after the Sandy Hook shooting.

Most people - considering all the radio, tv, newspaper stories - needed to be stationed at McMurdo in Antarctica or spent the past 10 weeks in a coma to have to not learned there is an ammo shortage. CNN, Fox, ABC, etc. - nearly every cable channel except for Food Network and Shopping Channel has mentioned it.

I'm surprised you bought a gun and the person who sold it didnt mention there is no ammo. He eiether was a very bad friend, or, a very stupid salesperson. You should go get your money back.
2013-03-07 9:04 pm
Government bought all the ammo, coupled with panic buying it'll be a year or so till it's regularly available IMO
2013-03-07 8:35 pm
It's called panic buying and it's goin to be like this for a few months. Eventually the panic will subside but until then ammo is going to be scare due to people buying it faster than it can be made.
2013-03-07 6:51 pm
I just got 5k rounds, but my brothers works at the Remington ammo factory here in Arkansas.
2013-03-07 8:22 pm
Our fearless, idiot President is to blame for that.

i couldnt find any .22lr, .45acp, 9mm, .38spl, or .357 magnum......id couldnt even find reloading supplies for my .357 mag
2013-03-08 3:11 am
The Department of Homeland Security has ordered nearly 2 billion rounds of ammunition in the last 10 months... mostly handgun ammo with contracts that state the ammo company has to supply the Government before it can supply anyone else. 2 billion rounds equals about 4 years of the heaviest fighting in Iraq. Not only does this limit the supply of ammo, it even affects the reloaders as primers and powder are hard to find.

You have this on top of the panic buying.
2013-03-08 1:57 am
Since Obama got on the gun/ammo selling band wagon again, ammo is in short supply.
2013-03-07 9:31 pm
That 709 slim is a good carry gun, reliable too. About the ammunition, i hit 43 sites last night and only found ammunition available on one site. It was an auction site and they were taking timed bids and i clicked out after watching prices jump three times. While a shortage of sorts may be apparent, i think speculators have bought massive quantities of ammunition to keep it off the market and panic buyers into driving prices way up in desperation. But your idea hold some water too. You know i can't even get 30-30 round from local dealers. Without ammunition all you have is a decoration to hang on your wall.
2013-03-07 7:15 pm
As you have already heard with varying degrees of condescension, there is currently an ammo shortage. These happen every few years when something sparks panic in the gun owner community, and every time everyone reacts like it's never been seen before and is the end of the world. I'm not referring to you; if this is the first time you've encountered a panic-fueled ammo shortage, then this is certainly new to you.

What is happening is stupid people being stupid, and greedy people being greedy. Scared and confused people are buying any ammo they can get their hands on, largely due to what they've heard in various rumors and conspiracy theories. Craftier people that have seen this before are buying ammo in bulk, and reselling it through various channels to the panicking masses at an absurd profit. Want to find ammo? Look on Craigslist, where there's plenty to be had from shysters selling at 2-5x the normal selling price.

Sadly, even internet distributors are getting in on the price gouging, and ammo prices from many sources have gone up 50-100%, sometimes more. One can argue that it's supply vs. demand; I contend that it's greedy people lining their pockets from the results of an unspeakable tragedy.

Rest assured, all of this WILL calm down. Manufacturers are upping their production, and in some areas, the panic is beginning to slowly subside. My guess is that everyone will come to their senses once the various proposed gun bans are decisively voted down by Congress. It is worth noting that none of these bills makes ammo illegal to produce or buy.

If I were a less scrupulous person, I'd start an ammunition rental service for national panics just like this. You could buy as much ammo as you want from me at 5x the normal price, and when you had calmed down, you could sell it back to me at 3.5x normal price. That way the irresponsible can go back to being unprepared after the epidemic is over, and I'm left with some money to better prepare for next time.

To get off my political soapbox and answer your question, you can still find ammo online, although usually at inflated prices. Don't feed the Craigslist hustlers; go to www.ammonow.com, which is a middleman site that routinely updates the stock of various online ammo suppliers with prices and availability, updated minute by minute. For local purchases, go to your Walmart or Academy and ask when their trucks come in. The people in the sporting goods department will by now know this information by heart. Be there at least an hour before the truck arrives. Both stores have strict purchase limits on common calibers (9mm being one), so the first guy in line can't buy the whole shipment. That should get you enough to defend yourself with.

Remember this. When ammo becomes more available and prices become reasonable again, keep a reasonable supply to last you through the next bout of hysteria. You don't need twenty pallets, just enough to defend yourself and have some to practice with at the range.
2016-08-06 1:51 pm
Are you really that lazy that you have to ask on a public kind and cannot use your pc? There are various reasons to recall like grain amount, type of bullet (FMJ, hole factor,and many others…), and so forth...
2013-03-08 5:42 pm
Many of the smaller gun shops still have ammo-but the price is like $25 for 50 rounds of PMC, or Speer Lawman. Its out there, just costs 2x the normal price.
You should be able to find premium SD ammo like Gold Dots or PDX just about anywhere.
2013-03-07 7:36 pm
don't know what you're talking about
my local range has lots of 9mm. 500 rounds for $149. Ontarget indoor range in Laguna Niguel, CA
they also got the cheap stuff- Tula 9mm for $10 a box.

you probably only shop at walmart... they never have ammo.

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