Puppy seeks things to chew up?

2013-03-07 3:24 pm
Hi. We have an 8 month old Lab mix (supposedly Mastiff mix, but looks more like a Rottie mix), who is a big chewer. I get that puppies chew, especially Labs as I've had several Labs and Lab mixes in my life, but this guy is stumping me a bit. He actively seeks things to chew, on tables, desks, beds, kitchen and bathroom countertops, even the magnets on the fridge aren't safe from his lips! Lol. He does this when we are away yes, but also will do it even when we are on a separate floor in the house from him. He has plenty of toys and chewies. We have tried redirecting him to the right things to chew, but he always goes for the "blacklisted" items.

We crated him from the time he was small, but he has not done well in a crate as he's gotten older, becoming quite the escape artist in fact the last time I have no idea how he got out (metal crate) because the gate wasn't opened...he had to have squeezed through the bars...they were bent a bit but I can't see how he fit himself through there! He's 75 lbs. I refuse to crate him again for fear he will injure himself or die in the process of getting out. Would a plastic airline crate work here? I just don't know...he's very good at escaping.

Has anyone else had a young dog that actively sought things to chew up, stuff that wasn't haphazardly lying around, even while you were home? How did you correct the behavior?

Thanks in advance.

回答 (7)

2013-03-11 2:21 pm
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I have never been able to train it out of my dogs because in order for them to be trained you have to catch them doing it and they only do it when I'm not home. So, I've had two that had to have surgery to remove items from their stomach which was dangerous and costly. I have one that has to sleep in a bare crate because she will literally eat the bedding or blankets I put in there for her. And she is almost 6 years old! Check out these crates:


Labs are famous chewers. Make sure you have at least an hour of structured leash walks per day and a couple days week he needs an hour of additional exercise like chasing a ball or frisbee or swimming. Another thing you may want to consider is doggy daycare when you are gone and confine him to the room you are in when you are home.
2013-03-07 4:21 pm
We, too, have an escape artist. What has worked wonderfully for him is one of those solid crates you see at dog shows. Many owners and handlers bring their dogs in these crates and my Bluetick hasn't been able to escape yet. He frantically tries to get out when we first leave but, when we come home, we come home to a big houndy grin and no harm done to himself. MUCH safer than putting them in the wire crates and risking getting trapped in the side.

As far as the chewing goes you just need to keep him with you at all times. I have a 15 week old pup who is a chewer like yours. He will even glance at me to see if I am watching before he leans over to chew on the corner of the fridge. He won't set foot in the kitchen, but will leeeaaan over he can just reach the fridge and watch me as he opens his mouth to chew on it. Every time I turn my back on him, even if he is sitting two feet from me, he seems to magically produce something to chew on. It's just a matter of staying on top of them and stopping it as soon as they attempt to chew. It takes LOTS of patience but it IS possible to break them of their chewing habit, ESPECIALLY if you have things like bully sticks or antlers to redirect them to. Having something they actually like to chew on and are allowed to chew on is a great way to convince them they don't need to chew on the "blacklisted" items.
2016-12-13 4:53 am
doggies ought to enamel on something.... make certain you have 3 styles of bite issues no longer ordinary - like nyla bone medium - like rubber kong or rope toys delicate - crammed animals in case you deny a puppy the permission to bite on issues (teething) you will create psychological issues instruct it what belongs to the puppy - why could you get a puppy in case you reside in an house?? possibly you ought to re-evaluate possession or might desire to are starting to be to be an person canine if it chews on you upward thrust up and walk away many times discipline works backwards because of the fact it remains interplay with them and that they do savor that
2013-03-09 8:20 am
Give him plenty to chew on. You can tie him somewhere (use a metal chain or he might chew through the leash) so he can move around but still be bound and wont be able to go around eating everything.
2013-03-07 3:31 pm
A plastic crate may be ok, but then he might chew that and make it sharp...

I would suggest more exercise, if you really tire them out they just want to sleep and don't chew.
2013-03-07 3:27 pm
Yes a plastic airline crate would work and get him lots of chew toys

That is reallly weird he got out but yeah get an airline crate
2013-03-07 3:26 pm
no worries :)

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