
2013-03-07 7:13 pm
小弟月尾會同太太去關島旅行8日, 是自由行的(酒店機票已訂). 由於市面沒有關島旅遊書, 僅得一些網上資料, 小弟覺得不太足夠, 不知點算好. 煩請各位師兄師姐, 提供8日行程, 讓小弟可有兩手準備.

另外, 順便一問, 如果想順道前往塞班島或天靈島的話, 是否只有可內陸機前往? 還是有渡輪可前往?, 如有的話, 費用多少?

回答 (2)

2013-03-07 8:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Check your ticket again. You have a week, not 8 days.

United Airlines, the only airlines, operates 2 flights (Monday and Friday) currently between Hong Kong and Guam per week. For those flights, you will arrive next morning of your departure. So if you depart on Monday/Friday, you will arrive on Tuesday/Saturday.

In answering your questions:

1. Go to the following website and see what you have missed:


Guam is not big. You have more than enough time. So most of the online information should cover everything.

The only issue is getting around.

2. Yes - flying is the only current option. For pricing, you will have to check with Freedom Air or United Airlines.
2013-03-12 7:43 am

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中環皇后大道中 50 - 52 號陸佑行 5 樓 502B 室
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星期一至五 (上午九時三十分至下午一時,下午二時至下午六時三十分)

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