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2013-03-07 12:28 am


回答 (2)

2013-03-07 9:30 am
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首爾是一個十分現代化的成市,但當中還保留著一些古舊及有特色的建築物Seoul is a very modernized city, yet it still had some old-fashioned and distinguishing buildings.他在不好的天氣下花了20分鐘帶領我們前往目的地,這反映出這國家的人樂助助人He had spent twenty minutes leading us to the destination under an unwelcome weather, this act really reflects that his benevolence.
2013-03-07 2:09 am
Seoul into a modern city, but which retains some of the old and unique buildings

In bad weather, he spent 20 minutes to lead us to their destinations, which reflects the people of this country music to help to help others
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