
2013-03-06 10:03 pm

回答 (8)

2013-03-06 11:04 pm
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先天下之憂而憂 後天下之樂而樂
A leader should plan and worry ahead of the people, and enjoy the fruit
after the people.
2013-03-08 8:34 am
Be the first to plan, the last to rest.
2013-03-07 10:09 pm
Be the first to plan for the unexpected.
Be the last to enjoy the accomplishments.
2013-03-07 12:38 pm
To be respected by others,
you should be the first person to solve a problem and
the last person to enjoy the reward.
2013-03-07 8:31 am

My take,

Be the first to be concerned, and the last to rejoice.
2013-03-07 7:36 am

Worry what others may yet see it worrisome;
Enjoy what others already take it enjoyable.

2013-03-07 03:11:05 補充:
Hehe - thanks to the free tutors on this board.
Maybe one day, I will be the president of TW - or do you need to be born in TW to become one?
2013-03-07 12:50 am
Hi~hi! dear Master teacher DaSaGwa,

"Worry before the people and enjoy after the people."I guess so......

.. ../„,„/ εїз ~
...( =';'=)
2013-03-06 10:09 pm
Before the rest of the world starts worrying, one worries; after the rest of the world rejoices, he rejoices.

2013-03-06 14:12:08 補充:
To care before others have cared and to enjoy after others have enjoyed

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