Can we see some outrage over an Arab being killed by Arabs?

2013-03-05 6:25 pm
The Palestinian Authority is notorious for torturing Palestinian Arabs in jail. Where are the international condemnations and the United Nations hand-wringing?

回答 (5)

2013-03-05 7:12 pm
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If an Arab has killed another Arab then obviously there must be a pesky christain, jew, buddist, hundu person who can be blamed for it
2013-03-06 3:04 am
Sunnies kill Shites
Shites kill Sunnies
Both kill Jews and anyone else that's different.
It happens all the time.
2013-03-06 2:31 am
Why? They've been doing this to each other for thousands of years, it's almost a Arabic sport or national pass time of sorts to kill and touchier.
2013-03-06 3:07 am
Ahh - that does not count
They only torture "bad" Arabs
That's OK

Just ask any of their Imams. If the guy comes from a different sect, then he is an infidel, an apostate, in other words a non-believer.
It's just fine to torture people like that. You are protecting the faith.

That's why the Muslim religion is so popular - There is no central authority, no single interpretation of the Koran. Anyone can put his own spin on it and be "right"

BTW - please note that I only refer to the male gender. That is because women are always considered property, and can be treated any way a man wants to. He only has to answer tto the "owner" of the woman, never the woman herself.

Such fine people
2013-03-06 3:21 am
The fight amongst the same race have been going on for years. Arabs fighting Arabs, English fighting English and each African Tribe fighting each other. An Apache fighting against the Navajo has been going on for centuries.
Then it is the infighting like our civil war where the conservatives had to defeat the democrats to free the slaves.
International condemnations is only against free capitalism because we are held to a higher standard just like conservatives are held to a higher standard than libs.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 20:34:09
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