Irresponsible Husband?

2013-03-05 6:15 pm
My husband and I have been married for 6 years. He is a good person but he just has some irresponsible tendencies. In our 6 years of marriage, he has broken/ lost 4 ipods and he broke 2 my MY laptops, crashed his car into our garage TWICE, backed my car into a pole, now just this week he broke the kitchen sink (and is not handy at ALL, so it will be my responsibility to get it fixed) and he dropped his laptop and broke it. I feel like he thinks if you break it you can just buy it new and we cannot afford to do that, but he goes out and just replaces it. I am sick of it! I have explained to him that his wreckless behavior is not acceptable but he still continues on his damaging path! Any ideas on what to do! So frustrated!

回答 (7)

2013-03-05 7:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
That's the person you cannot force him to become more careful or responsible, or stop him from spending money on replacements...if he buys another of something that he broke, your option is to cut the spending elsewhere to make up for it...and definitely don't share any of your electronics/breakables with him...

Start letting him take care of repairs for damaged things (such as the kitchen sink)...just because he can't fix it, doesn't mean he's incapable of calling someone who can't stop him from breaking things, but you can stop yourself from running behind him taking care of his messes...let him deal with it...
2013-03-06 2:17 am
Some people are just walking accidents waiting to happen. ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE is your answer. He is what he is.
2013-03-06 2:32 am
Has he had his vision checked? Perhaps he needs bi-focals. He could also take tai-chi or martial arts to learn balance and how to move within tight spaces. It’s a great way to teach clumsy people how to move more consciously. Not everyone is graceful. And there are manuals online that will tell him how to repair the sink. Just hand him the tools and tell him to get to it. or you could go with bear's answer.
2013-03-06 2:31 am
Yeah. Leave him alone. He works, right? Earns a pay check, right? Quit trying to change him. What is it with women trying to change a guy. He is what he is.

My wife has put a crease down the left side of EVERY car we've ever owned. When we moved back to the states from Australia, I bought my first Mercedes Benz. We'd owned it for three days before she backed into a parking garage pillar and took the door off. You know what? We had it fixed. Chill, babe. These are just things.
2013-03-06 2:25 am
Convince him that y'all need a swing hanging from a tree in the yard. Send him up the ladder with some rope. He will accidentally hang himself I'm sure.
2013-03-06 2:24 am
He is what he is you can't change his behavior but you have to tell him if he broke anything else this thing won't be replaced or you will be so sad and upset let him leave while this thing is broken so ha can feel the importance of things if you can just take money when he broke something so e can't buy another anything just let him feel that this is childish and irresponsible and he haw to watch his steps ! Good luck
2013-03-06 2:21 am
IMO - sadly, decide just how much you are willing to put up with. You can love anyone or anything, but you can respect if they do not respect you / your wishes / or themselves. If you respect them, their wishes, there is no reason why they should be so selfish. Some people don't mind and would put up with this kind of behavior. Personally, I would not. You are not his mother and should not have to raise him, he is a grown man and should know better. I say, let him replace anything he breaks, and when he see's the value of money he will learn to respect it and avoid having to spend it. If that does not work, your only other alternative is to tell him the truth - he is too immature in that way to expect you to clean up his messes that he keeps making, and you don't need his garbage. Kick him out - he will either realize what a butt he has been or he will continue to be a butt - which is good either way. You will know what he is made of. Good luck
參考: old enuff and been thru enuff to know better

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