How do you know if he's interested?

2013-03-05 1:40 pm
I know that this guy wants to have sex with me. But I kinda have a feeling that it's more than that and he actually likes me. How can I tell if he does or not?

回答 (4)

2013-03-05 1:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
* Guys who are truly interested to have a relationship with women are happy and willing to ask you out on dates where they spend money and valuable time in that process. If a guy spends only little money on dates and split with the girl when it comes to the bill, he is not interested to commit a serious relationship. Furthermore, men won't waste their money and time to organize a date and the time they spend is focused on what they actually want. So during your first date, make it inexpensive by having coffee together as this will not burden the man when it comes to the cost.

* Men who like to spend more time with you or talk with you are interested, while those men who aren't interested will only show their interest in getting physical and stay at home.

* If the man shows that he is genuinely interested on how you're feeling and you as a woman, this indicates that the guy is really interested with you. But if he is completely self-absorbed and self-centered, it's an indication that he'll just utilize you and when he's done the man will leave you.

* Men that are really interested with you will talk about his dreams, his future and aspirations with you in order to increase intimacy over time. Those who aren't interested will never tell everything about their deepest desires and dreams with you. This is true as they don't want to get hurt that much when your relationship ends.

* When a man talks about some future events such as Christmas, purchasing a house, summer vacations and others, it's a clear indication that he is genuinely interested maybe for the involved time or much longer.

* If you have already spend one week or more with the man and he hasn't yet introduced you to his friends, this is an indication that the man either does not have one, very busy or he doesn't consider you as a long term partner or relationship.

* Men who want to spend the future with you will spend time to introduce his family to you and this is a clear indication that he is serious. However, men will not take home casual girlfriends since they don't want look like a player especially to their parents. And they also don't want to disappoint their parents when your relationship suddenly ends
2013-03-05 9:57 pm
ok its simple every guy thinks about having sex with anyone they fine attractive (which is basically all of them with a nice blouse or dress) but to tell if a man likes u or not here's one clue without the date or meeting the parents or anything like that one clue and that is if he share something with u that he likes meal or money. that's the real truth
2013-03-05 9:46 pm
Hasn't your intuition told you the answer?
2013-03-05 9:43 pm
I doubt even HE knows... all he can see when he looks at you is sex... he MAY decide you are the girl for him once he's had it, but all he can think about right now is getting you into bed

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