
2013-03-06 4:35 am


如圖,B、C、D物體分別受到推力,但A、B、C、D物體保持靜止。已知A、B、C、D物體的質量分別為2kg, 3kg, 5kg, 9kg。求AB間、BC間、CD間及D與地面間的靜摩擦力。

回答 (1)

2013-03-06 8:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let Fb, Fc and Fd be the frictional forces acting between B and C, C and D , D and ground respectively.

Since block A is at rest relative to B, and there is no external force acting, friction betwwen A and B is zero.

Consider block B,
Fb = 4 N

Consider block C
Fb + Fc = 7
i.e. 4 + Fc = 7
Fc = 3 N

Consider block D
Fc + Fd = 12
i.e. 3 + Fd = 12
Fd = 9 N

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