
2013-03-06 4:07 am


(1) 兩擋板受到小球壓力大小之比
(2) 斜面受到兩小球壓力大小之比

回答 (1)

2013-03-06 7:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Let r1 and r2 be the forces acting on the two plates by the balls
By the law of action and reaction, the same forces r1 and r2 will be acting on the balls (only in opposite direction).
The force r1 is acting on the ball horizontally , and r2 is acting upward on the ball parallel to the plane.

Let R1 and R2 be the normal reaction on balls 1 and 2 respectively given by the plane.

(1) For ball 1, because the ball is in equilibrium
(R1).cos(theta) = mg -------------- (1)
where m is the mass of the ball, and g is the acceleration due to gravity
and (R1).sin(theta) = r1 ----------------- (2)

For ball2, it is in equilibrium, hence
r2 = mg.sin(theta) ---------------- (3)
R2 = mg.cos(theta) ---------------- (4)

Therefore, (2)/(3): r1/r2 = (R1).sin(theta)/mg.sin(theta) = R1/mg
But from (1) R1 = mg/cos(theta)
r1/r2 = [mg/cos(theta)]/mg = 1/cos(theta)

(2) R1/R2 = [mg/cos(theta)]/mg.cos(theta) = 1/[cos(theta)]^2

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