
2013-03-06 1:14 am
Simon is my friend. He_____________ (be) very fat because he ______________ (like) to eat a lot. He ______________ (spend) all his pocket money on food.

第一個答案是is ,

為其麼第一個答案是is, 不是was呢?

回答 (4)

2013-03-06 1:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Simon is fat用is是因為現時他仍是肥,肥是他的現況,或者他肥是一種事實的講法。如果用Simon was fat意思是他以前是肥,並且暗示他現在不肥了。但全句的內容都是指出所有他是肥的原因,所以全都是事實的講法,沒有顯示想講他現在不肥了,所以文法上一致地用simple present tense。 Family is 是單數。雖然明白你的煩惱是明明陳先生這一個family裏面有很多人,請就用這句中文來理解,「一個」是英文有時不用寫出來的,這是由於英文的字有單眾數詞(中文沒有明確的加s那種寫法,於是要轉用英文詞語寫英文,family本身是單數字便用單數verb動詞,如果講很多個families就用眾數verb動詞。 附註:現代漢語常硬把英文的眾數詞變為加「們」(例如:同學們),並不是很有效的語文交流,會令中國人和外國人都學錯中文,同時亦會因此譯錯英文。
2013-03-06 7:17 pm
Family is a collective noun. When a singular verb is used, the group is treated as a unit ~ a “whole" entity. A plural verb presents the noun as a group of people, ~ family members.

The Chan family live in Kowloon.
The Chan family consists of four people.
2013-03-06 12:48 pm
The Chan family live in Kowloon.
Here the Chan family = all the members in the Chan family.
2013-03-06 6:18 am
He, she is third party which is change or +s at verb which be=is, like=likes, spend=spends

The Chan family __live____(live) in Kowloon. Mr. Chan works in an office. He drives to work. Jimmy Chan is ten years old. He has a sister, Judy. They study at a primary school in Mongkok. Mrs. Chan sells clothes in a shop in Kowloon.

The The Chan family are meaning the party with many people. therefore, it just use live without any change

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