
2013-03-05 9:41 pm
壽司在西方的普及程度,please hurry

回答 (4)

2013-03-14 7:00 pm
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壽司可說是近年在西方興起較快的東方食物. 10 多年前, 在歐洲, 或最少巴黎, 我們難以找到壽司, 要吃壽司就只有自已去日本食店買材料來自製了.

但今時今日, 隨著中國, 香港及日本等地留學生及遊客人數增加, 及西方人對東方事物的好奇, 壽司漸漸流行. 日本餐廳在巴黎雖不可說是雨後春筍, 但是卻越開越多, 而部份中國餐館甚至外賣店都有壽司供應. 大型的超市內更有售賣壽司的凍櫃. 不過壽司的價錢一點也不便宜. 在巴黎, 兩件三文魚壽司可賣 3.50 - 4.00 歐元. 一盒便當式的壽司, 可賣 13.00 - 14.00 歐元, 比香港貴很多. 另外, 超市也有一些 box set 讓人買回家自製壽司的.

值得留意是, 在外國的壽司款式其實比較單調. 大多只會供應三文魚, 其餘一律欠奉... 可能是貨源比較便宜及穩定吧.
2013-03-09 2:45 am
2013-03-08 4:06 pm
Not as popular as in Hong Kong and other far eastern cities. Indeed in certain big cities (capital cities) such as London, New York and Melbourne it is not hard to find such sushi shops and even chain shops as identified by another answer above, but it was not as popular as more westernised food (fast food etc.). Moreover in some smaller cities and even villages the situation would be completely different - Sushis are not popular there. On the other hand Sushis are found more popular in places with Asians (ie. big cities that have China Town etc.).
參考: myself
2013-03-06 2:19 am
參考: 在外國生活多年

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