2013-03-05 7:26 am
唉!我溫左咁耐英文!我有睇NEWS,買EASSY黎睇.... BUT STILL英文writing成堆屎咁,冇咩進步。我真係...


回答 (3)

2013-03-09 3:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.識多d難字[vocabularies]-睇書好重要,不過睇完要記難字,睇完唔記不如唔好睇(例如:exciting>>>thrilling,cry>>>burst into tears.)
2.唔好成日同埋同一堆字(例如:For example, I like A,B and C>>>I like many things, ranging from A, B to C.)
3.用多d sentence pattern(即係令既句子)(例如:It is so adj/adv that S V O /vs/ S V O is adj.)(Although he got bad results, he didn't make an effort to study>>>Despite儘管 of his bad results, he didn't make an effort to study.)
4.Tense唔可以錯太多. 一篇800字既文最多只可錯1個tense
2013-03-05 4:02 pm
Seek Help!!! Talk to someone.
The first person that you should go to is your English teacher at school.
Then tell your parents that you are worried. Ask for their advice and support.
2013-03-05 12:35 pm
There are two essential things that you can do:
1. Build up your vocabularies - so you can intersperse your essays.
2. Do more readings of your own choice (doesn't matter if it's a novel as long as it strikes your fancy). While you are immensing yourself in ther literary works, you can concentrate on how other people write. Try to absorb others' writing style.
參考: Myself

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