麻煩協助 英翻中(不接受翻譯軟體) 謝謝

2013-03-05 7:38 am
Sherry can be very funny and she is always laughing. Sherry’s reading and unprepared reading is good and I can see she enjoys it. Sherry sometimes pronounces a word wrong but then she corrects herself, Keep it up  Sherry remembers a lot of sight words and I hope she will continue to read English books.

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2013-03-06 6:41 pm
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Sherry 有的時候很風趣,她總是笑口常開。不論在預習與否的情況下,Sherry的閱讀能力也很高;(從中)我也可以看得出她享受閱讀(的樂趣)。Sherry有時會把單字的發音讀錯,但之後也會改正過來,從心中緊記。Sherry記住了許多圖字,我期望她會繼續閱讀(更多的)英語書籍。

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