可以幫我睇下我既reflection有冇問題嗎? [急]

2013-03-03 11:54 pm
呢個reflection 係grammar方面ok 嗎? 如果有問題既話可以話俾我聽點改嗎? thx!

Reflection on My Learning Experience in Delivering the English Presentation

In Semester One, My group worked on the negative impacts of aging population in the group project. When I received my teacher’s feedback after presentation, I found that my major weakness in the delivery of the presentation is in pronunciation. I usually pronounced the key words wrongly. For instance, I failed to distinguish the difference between ‘l’ and ‘n’ sound in pronunciation, mispronouncing the word ‘lack’ as ‘nack’ at least three times. In order to deal with this problem, it is important for me to make some symbols on my cue cards to remind myself the correct pronunciation.Another weakness in my presentation is the lack of eye contact as I usually relied on cue cards to present my ideas. My teacher told me that I looked at the audience for one to two seconds only. To cope with this problem, I have to write in point forms instead of complete sentences when editing my cue cards.

回答 (2)

2013-03-04 8:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
In Semester One, my groupworked on the negative impacts of aging population for the group project. WhenI received my teacher’s feedback after presentation, I found that my majorweakness in the presentation was the pronunciation. I always pronounced the keywords inaccuarately. For instance, I failed to distinguish the differencebetween ‘l’ and ‘n’ sound. For instance, I pronounced the word “lack” as “nack”a least three times. In order to dealwith this problem, it is important for me to make some symbols on my cue cardsto remind myself the correct pronunciation. Another weakness in my presentation was the lack of eye contact as I focusedon cue cards to present my ideas. My teacher told me that I looked at theaudience for one to two seconds only. To cope with this problem, I have towrite in point forms instead of complete sentences when editing my cue cards.Overall, your essay was a fine one except you have to pay attention to the tenses. Since the presentation was over, you have to use past tenses for a lot of descriptions.
參考: Myself
2013-03-04 4:42 am
In Semester One, my group worked on the negative impacts of aging population in the group project. When I received my teacher’s feedback after finishing my presentation, I found that my major weakness is my pronunciation when I delivered the presentation. I usually pronounced the key words wrongly. For instance, I failed to distinguish the difference between ‘l’ and ‘n’ sound, mispronouncing the word ‘lack’ as ‘nack’ at least three times. In order to deal with this problem, it is important for me to make some symbols on my cue cards to remind myself the correct pronunciation. Another weakness is lack of eye contact during the presentation, as I usually relied on cue cards to remind myself. My teacher told me that I had looked at the audience for one to two seconds only. To cope with this problem, I have to write in point forms instead of complete sentences when editing my cue cards.

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