Questionnaire of saving money

2013-03-03 10:20 pm
1.Do you have the habit of saving money?


2.How much pocket money do you have in a month?

Ounder $400O$400-500O$501-600O$601-700
O$701-800O above 800

3.How much pocket money do you save in a month?

O$151-200Oabove 200

4.(If you choose ‘no’ in Q1, please answer this question)
Why don’t you save money?

Oused up all the money in daily expenditure
Oused up all the money to buy things
Onot enough money
Ono need to save money
Ogive the money back to parents
Oothers : __________________________

5.(If you choose ‘yes’ in Q1, please answer this question)
Why do you save money?

Oto buy things you like (phones, books, stationery …)
Ofor emergency use
Oto buy flats, cars, set up companies, study aboard etc. in the future
Oto buy shares
Oparents force you to save money
others : ______________________
6.Do you think is there any relationship between saving money and your achievement in the future?

Ostrongly disagreeOdisagreeOagree
Ostrongly agree

7.When do you have the habit of saving money?

Onever save moneyOkindergarten
Oprimary schoolOsecondary school

回答 (2)

2013-03-04 2:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
2.under $400
5.I force me to save money
6.secondary school

2013-03-03 18:08:08 補充:
I think save money is good.I will put the money in the bank.
2013-03-04 1:18 am
1. yes
2. 701-800
3. 151-200
5. others: not spending much money, and save for no purpose
6. disagree
7. primary school

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 13:39:12
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