
2013-03-03 2:20 am

1.If you can choose one thing to describe or represent yourself what would you choose?

2.What will you expect of your secondary school life if you enter our school?

3.What do you do in your free time?

4.Do you think young children spend too much time playing computer games?

5.if you could add one more public holiday,what would it be?Why?

6.what would you do to make Hong Kong more attractive to tourists?Why?

回答 (3)

2013-03-03 10:21 am

1.If you can choose one thing to describe or representyourself what would you choose?I would like to describe mypropensity if I only have one thing to choose. My personality is very malleable and am a conscientious person.

2.What will you expect of your secondary school life if youenter our school?I will expect to learn a lotin the academic sense as well as in the social aspect. I want to get educated in multiple subjectsand various extra-curriculum activities. My ultimate goal is to obtain interpersonal skills on top of theacademic things.

3.What do you do in your free time?I love to read in my leisuretime. I am an avid reader, my favoritewriters are Dan Brown, Alexandre Dumas, Edgar Allan Poe, and MichaelConnelly. Amongst all these, I tend toread more mystery novels than the others, thus my favorite novel is Mr.Connelly’s “The Lincoln Lawyer” and “The Brass Verdict.”

4.Do you think young children spend too much time playingcomputer games?I think the young childrenhad spent way too much time on computer games which they shouldn’t have. They should devote more time in learningadequate knowledge in school rather than indulging themselves in those violentcomputer games.

5.if you could add one more public holiday,what would itbe?Why?I think the public holidaysfor the current times are enough, and there is no need to add another one.

6.what would you do to make Hong Kong more attractive totourists?Why?I would post a lot of eatingand shopping tips on the website to attract people to travel to Hong Kong as HKis described as a eating and shopping paradise. I personally had travelled extensively throughout Europe, and I stillhave to admit that Hong Kong has the best food choices all over the world interms of quality and value. In sum, thefood in Hong Kong is savory and succulent.
參考: Myself
2013-03-03 6:20 am
1.*Focus on the characteristics of the item you used to represent yourself. Compare item with your personalities
e.g. A journal. I think my life is like a journal. I write my life story out in my own way, adding colours to a plain journal. There are pages describing my happy times and depressed times. But when I read my journal aloud, when I tell my life story to the others, I could always spot the smile on their faces.

2.I don't know what "our school" means here, so I am not able to help you. sorry

3. Try to give a reason why you are doing those things in your free time or possibly what you gain from it
-voluteering work -> feel happy after helping others
-doing sports -> enjoy being with friends/family, live healthier
-reading -> learn knowledge outside the classroom

4. Yes.
->start with examples or a little evidence
e.g. my cousin spends all day playing computer games
->What means "too much time"?
e.g. Young children hardly find the time to study or do revision. Playing computer games has covered up most of the time in their daily living. This would affect their studies and academic results.

5. Important point: public holidays give the oppotunity for the people to do something to celebrate or make use of that day following the aim of releasing that holiday. Dont mix it up with giving extra leisure time to the people, as it is not the aim of setting up the holiday

6. Focus on the word "you". The power of a student is limited. @a00******, it is impossible for a student to build a Buddha that big
e.g. Help the tourists with their problems or questions ->Show the losted tourists the way to their destination ->Introduce the cultural values of a tourists spot so that they could enjoy a more meaningful trip or even learn more about Hong Kong

Wish you success!! :)
參考: me myself.. :)
2013-03-03 5:07 am
I will choose my favourite pillow because it is beatiful.I like it the best.There are
many pictures on it.I want to have a great time at my secondary school life.I want to get good results at school.I want to have more friends too.I like playing football
with my good friends.They are all good at playing football.We have football match
at the free time.I don't think young children spend too much time playing
computer games. I want to have a turtle day because they are cute and lovely.
I will make a new Big Buddha what is weight 2500 killograms and height 100000metres tall because Big Buddha is so big.
參考: me

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