five wishes

2013-03-02 9:20 pm
if you have five wishes , what will you wish for?

回答 (3)

2013-03-03 10:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
If I have the opportunity tobe granted for five wishes, I would like to have the following:1. I want to live in mirth and gaiety.2. I want to live a salubrious life.3. I want to be a person of erudition.4. I want my parents to be with me always.5. I want I have a good fortune to last for the restof my life
2013-03-04 7:22 am
If I have five wishes, I will wish for:
Health to do a lot of things.
Wealth to buy things I want.
Long life to stay with my family and friends longer.
Lots of friends to play with.
Meeting my idol for getting his/her's signature.

I hope the wishes above may help you.
2013-03-02 9:35 pm
healthy, wealthy (money), happy, have a long life, lucky... hope I can help you.

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