Memo & Letter Writing

2013-03-02 5:33 pm
1. How should the drafter regard the editing process?

1. The writer can always spot his/her own mistakes.
2. The writer knows the writing situation better than the editor.
3. It is difficult for the drafter to get a frank opinion from the editor.
4. Another person's dispassionate opinion is often worthy.

2. Which of the following is a good reviewing practice?

1. Change for the sake of changing because of personal preferences.
2. Excessive observance of arbitrary and outdated grammatical rules.
3. Give concrete face-to-face feedback.
4. Exaggerated efforts to achieve conciseness.

3.Which of the following is the characteristic of an informal writing style?

1. Impersonal
2. Passive
3. Tactful
4. Official

回答 (2)

2013-03-02 9:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Q1: 4
Q2: 3
Q3: 3

Q1的答1 - The writer can always spot his/her own mistakes.這程序叫甚麼?
答案:"self" proofreadiing.
參考: 如果每個選擇都明白因由和反問,你便學到了12種知識而不單只是得3條正確的分數。
2013-03-02 6:42 pm

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