Confusion about cat castration?

2013-03-02 3:32 am
My kitten is currently 5 months old and the vet sent us a letter to let us know that he is ready to be de sexed. In the quote they sent us:
Cat castration $133
pre-surgery blood test $85
IV fluid $77
Take home pain relieve tablets $20
So all together about $315 which is a bit much for us at the moment. I called another vet, and they will do it for $150 with pain relieve but not blood test or IV fluid. However, they are a bit far from us and we would need to rent a car for this.
Do you think I need to give my kitten blood test and IV fluid? what has been your experience?
With my other cat we did give him the full treatment but he was 3 year old when he was de sexed (stray cat). We felt a bit pressured by the vet at the time, but our cat did come back perfect and ready to run around. I don't know what can go wrong if I don't give the kitten blood test and IV, and will feel guilty if something did go wrong. What should I do? Will my kitten be fine if I just give him pain relief?

回答 (8)

2013-03-02 3:58 pm
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For a male kitten neuter it is such a quick simple surgery that the last time I got a kitten neutered, I didn't get the pre-op labs and the IV that as I would get for a female kitten / cat spay which is a more invasive and longer surgery, or that I would get for another longer procedure or an elderly cat. (There IS a good reason for doing those things. but the risk is so low in this surgery .. . it's just up to you.) My kitten was playing the same night. He didn't even seem to need the extra pain meds though you could get them just in case.

You could just ask your vet if they would do it w/o those things. I'm sure they will have you sign something saying that you opted out. Usually for surgery you also sign something about what to do in an emergency, so you could still say that if something goes wrong they can take lifesaving measures.
One other good thing is gas anaesthesia because then if there is a reaction to it they can turn it off. whereas if they give an injection of something longer acting then

If you don't want to take the chance , another option is Care Credit, whic h is like a credit card just for medical/ vet bills, and a lot of vets take it. i've heard it is interest free for 6 months or something.

But re prices, that would not be over priced for a private vet in my area. It really depends on location. some parts of the country are more expensive, and usually vets in urban areas are more expensive than in rural areas, since most of their costs are higher.
However we also have various low cost spay/neuter clinics in the area that are subsidized by grants or donations to help low income people get their pets fixed.
2013-03-02 1:45 pm
A neuter is the simplest of surgeries! The aren't under long enough to require fluids, and rarely are pain meds needed on a young cat. Same thing with the bloodwork - that is generally optional in such a young cat. I'd go with the basic neuter only at your current vet. You will just need to decline the other things when you take him in. That is an expensive neuter - and it's best to get him done now rather than wait to save up for all those optional things and risk him spraying.
參考: Many years of cat rescue
2013-03-02 1:28 pm
That seems pretty excessive. IMO unless there is a reason for blood testing at that age, you can skip it. I don't know where you live, but our vet would charge $50 for neuter and a little extra for the pain meds.

That price is more like for a female spaying ($133)! Males really do NOT need pain meds - its minor surgery to neuter.
2013-03-02 5:26 am
Wow! That is crazy expensive!

The highest in my area is $100 for all you listed.

I just had my female cat spayed and they did bloodwork a week ago for $25. $85 seems a bit unnecessary to me.

Are these your only options?

I have had quite a few stray cats spayed and neutered at clinics which do not do the IV fluids or he blood work and there have been 0 complications as of now.

Do not let a vet pressure you into anything that is your pet not theirs and it is your decision what happens to your pet. I would never take any of my pets to a pushy vet.
2013-03-02 4:41 am
I just had my dog's teeth cleaned with a blood panel, IV and extraction and it cost under $300. Castration for a male cat should not even cost that much. It is a simple procedure. Look for low cost clinics or rescue groups in your area to see if they can recommend a vet.
2013-03-02 3:54 am
I didnt need to pay for the pre surgery blood test when I got my cat castrated.I dont think they are neccessary.I only had to pay for the castration...
2013-03-02 3:50 am
The best thing to do is speak to your vet and ask for his reasons for the additional costs. If you feel they're valid, there you go. Ultimately the decision is yours but make sure you choose what is best for your kitten.
2013-03-02 3:56 am
Sounds to me like you need another vet.

There is two real option for a cat's castration : classic, or laser. That is it !

pre-surgery blood test : it is not absolutely necessary, it is done to make sure your cat has no disease like leukemia, FIV (cat's aids), and so on and so forth. If your cat has a weird disease that it is possible to find trough blood screen testing and that does not allow for surgery, then the blood test might allow the vet to tell you that the cat cannot get the surgery. I'm not saying it never happens, but it really does not happen often.

IV fluids : WTF ? this is the first time I ever hear about that. I have no idea what your vet means by this, cat don't need fluids for this surgery, just anaesthetics, disinfectants, stitches (or glue), the regular stuffs

take home pain relief tablets : useless ! your cat will get pain relief with the surgery, and that will last for 24 hours, after that the cat does not need pain relief, especially not tablets (it's not always easy to pill a cat...). Better yet, it is good for the cat to feel pain so that 1 - he will rest, 2 - if he is too much in pain you know something is wrong and you get him back to the vet asap (otherwise the pain relief tablets can mask the bigger problem)

ask the vet if this is a classic or laser surgery, and go for the vet that offer laser. Laser surgery is really nice, the cat bleeds less so he heals faster, the wounds are cauterized as the vet operates, so all in all the surgery is less painful, have less chance of infection, and is better for your cat. So for female cats laser surgery is a useful option. For male cats it's not even necessary, male cat desexing is a very simple and very quick surgery that does not need as much fuss as female desexing.
參考: Foster family for cats, owned by two altered (spayed and neutered) cats.

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