How do i hide these self harm cuts at school?

2013-03-02 3:31 am
i'm a 15 year old guy in high school that has uniforms....i have no long sleeve shirts so that's not an option......and the're high up on my forearm so i would need like a 100 bracelets to cover them.....please help me....and i know cutting is trying 2 stop

回答 (6)

2013-03-02 5:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Temporary tattoos

Women's concealer, it won't smudge, bleed, wear off as quickly, or come off on your clothes as easy as makeup and it covers better. Dab it on with your finger tip and pat it until it matches your skin tone. It doesn't take much at all.
2013-03-02 11:39 am
I have a similar problem. Don't worry things will get better no matter what it is :) I stopped. But in the mean time, this is what I did. I put an Ace bandage all the way up my arm. When people asked me what it was for I told them I fell and scraped my arm up really bad. And if they ask to see it either tell them it will make your arm infected if u take the bandage off or if it does look like it could be from a fall then you can show them. Whatever you want to do. My parents knew about my cutting though. If your parents don't know please tell them! I did and I felt so much better when I said something about it. You don't have to do this by yourself :) and if u don't just wanna come out and say you cut yourself then make it look like and accident that they saw. Lift up a sleeve in front of your parents. When they ask you about it, tell them something like " I was going to tell you guys but I didn't know how you would react" I really hope I helped! People love you and don't want you to hurt yourself. I don't know your but I love you!! Please stop cutting and tell a trustworthy adult.
2013-03-02 11:36 am
Coverup. Also, I used to draw on my arms to make it disappear.
2013-03-02 11:34 am
Hmm, you could try like arm warmers, or makeup to cover it. I honestly don't know, you may just need to show them. I'm sorry, glad you're stopping though.
2013-03-02 11:33 am
Your mom can help you with that tell her that you cut yourself and you need a couple of sweaters to cover them at school. Maybe the principle can let you cover those up with sweaters from the lost and found ask her.
2013-03-02 11:33 am
The only thing I can tell you is to try and get ahold of some cover up and put it on, but I am telling you it burns like you wouldn't believe.

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