Car insurance renewal help?

2013-02-28 3:34 pm
Hi, I passed my test on 27th feb 2012 & got my first car & insurance on the 5th march 2012, my insurance is with , I have had a renewal quote through & it's far too expensive, I'm just wondering whether I need to call the company & tell them I don't want to renew my insurance with them or will the insurance just cancel after the insurance runs out & that's it? Thanks :-)

I have seen cheaper insurance with aviva, so I'm going to take insurance :-) Just double checking I don't need to cancel my renewal as I'm new to all this. :-)

回答 (9)

2013-02-28 4:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I would definitely tell them not to renew, that way you'll not have them take the money for a new premium out your bank account under the terms of the policy that you were deemed to have read and agreed to.

Most insurance companies do this 'auto renewal' thing nowadays, under the guise of providing continuous cover, but it's a con.
2014-10-10 2:07 pm
參考: Used it
2013-02-28 4:23 pm
You ought to advise them that you are taking your business elsewhere. A lot of policies have auto renewal written in the T&C, especially if you paid with a Credit Card or are on monthly payments
2013-02-28 3:59 pm
All companies will renew a policy if you do not inform them you wish to end it, that way it stops uninsured drivers being on the roads.

Tell them BEFORE it renews as if you tell them after you will have to pay a cancellation fee.
2014-04-06 7:26 pm
Try this site to compare quotes and you wont regret it: INSUREQUOTE.INFO
2016-11-12 9:13 am
I suggest that you try this site where you can get rates from different companies: http://INSUREFOREVERYBODY.INFO/index.html?src=3YAkjynzJU42

RE :Car insurance renewal help?
Hi, I passed my test on 27th feb 2012 & got my first car & insurance on the 5th march 2012, my insurance is with , I have had a renewal quote through & it's far too expensive, I'm just wondering whether I need to call the company & tell them I don't want to renew my insurance with them or will the insurance just cancel after the insurance runs out & that's it? Thanks :-)
Update: I have seen cheaper insurance with aviva, so I'm going to take insurance :-)
Just double checking I don't need to cancel my renewal as I'm new to all this. :-)
Follow 10 answers
Car insurance renewal help?
Hi, I passed my test on 27th feb 2012 & got my first car & insurance on the 5th march 2012, my insurance is with , I have had a renewal quote through & it's far too expensive, I'm just wondering whether I need to call the company & tell them I don't want to renew my insurance with them or will the insurance just cancel after the insurance runs out & that's it? Thanks :-)
Update: I have seen cheaper insurance with aviva, so I'm going to take insurance :-)
Just double checking I don't need to cancel my renewal as I'm new to all this. :-)
Follow 10 answers
參考: I suggest that you try this site where you can get rates from different companies: http://INSUREFOREVERYBODY.INFO/index.html?src=3YAkjynzJU42
2015-12-17 5:25 am
2015-01-06 11:01 pm
Compare insuran ce quotes
2013-02-28 7:53 pm
Most policies will auto renew so tell them no to be on the safe side. Renewals are often a con, you get a decent quote first year and then they hope you will just auto renew and the next years premium will be much higher. Check around every year.
2013-02-28 6:47 pm
On your renewal noticed it will tell you if they are going to automatically renew your policy; something like."You need to do nothing" or "We will renew your policy automatically"

So first step is to read your renewal notice. Don't lose it as it's also proof of any NCB you acquired.
2013-02-28 4:08 pm
Read the renewal notice carefully. It will say if you need to call them to renew, or call them to cancel the renewal.
However, it is safer to call them, just to make sure.
2013-02-28 3:51 pm
If you signed for a auto renewal when you took out the insurance then you will need to phone the company and tell them not to renew, if you want to keep the car on the road you will need to get insurance or if you declare it SORN you will need to keep it off the public road ie in a garage or a drive.

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