I'm confused on my English accent?

2013-02-28 11:50 am
I'm now studying in Hong Kong. The traditional English in Hong Kong is British English. However most of the Hong Kong people speaking with British and American accents mixing together. Well, I prefer American English more. But I just can't learn like "pure American accent" ar school. And most of them prefer British English. So that I'm like kinda weird when speaking with a American accent. They think that I'm like pretending to be the special one in the class. But I can only speak well and fluent with American accent. So, my question is, how can I create a pure American English environment? And which accent should I learn? I mean...My american friends think that my English is good but my Hong Kong friends think that I'm weird

回答 (4)

2013-02-28 12:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Who cares what your friends think?
Why does it matter that you speak English with an American accent?
Millions of other people do. There also Canadian, South African, OZ and NZ accents. Not to mention Irish, Scots and Welsh. Even English accents vary from north to south, east to west and more significantly between social and ethnic groups.
Millions of others have non-descript accents that could be from anywhere in the middle of the Atlantic.
Are they all weird? Or maybe none of them?

Your friends sound rather snobby to me. Why not try speaking Mandarin when all around you are Cantonese speakers. That'll shake 'em
參考: Northen British Speaker . Bah Goom it's grim oop theer.
2013-02-28 8:03 pm
i wouldn't worry about your classmates. if your goal is to fit in with americans, then go ahead. if you want to learn american accents, watch lots of american tv. just keep in mind that it will the accents vary a lot, depending on the state.

good luck:) by the way, your written english is great.
2013-02-28 8:01 pm
I know your feeling. -_-
What school do you go to? I mean why don't you just transfer to Honkong American School if you love Amuricaaa soooo muchhhh.
And why do you care what other people think?
Screw the Brits.
Don't be insecure!
參考: My awesome wisdom.
2013-02-28 8:00 pm
American English

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