Fraternal twins的定義

2013-02-28 2:33 pm
Fraternal twins 的定義指男男,女女,男女,女男定系只系指男女,女男?


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2013-03-08 2:51 am
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@:Fraternal twins=異卵雙胞胎=男女/女男定義是:在通常情況下,婦女每月排卵1次,有時因某種原因同時排出兩個卵子並同時受​​精,就產生了兩個不同的受精卵。這兩個受精卵各有自己的一套胎盤,相互間沒有什麼聯繫,叫做異卵雙胎,產婦將生出兩個嬰兒。他們比較相似,而且往往是異性的。這種異卵雙胎比較多見,並且與遺傳基因、孕婦的年齡有及孕婦的生產次數有關。 母體子宮受孕時存在兩個卵子分別和一個精子結合,然後分別發育成兩個獨立的個體,長大後差異比較大,並且可以為同性也可以為異性。由兩個不同的受精卵發育成的雙胞胎,則稱為"異卵性雙胞胎”,約佔2/3。異卵性則是因為母親的卵巢同時排出兩個卵子,並且分別受精成胎。

參考: 個人所知,僅作參考。
2013-03-09 8:38 pm
2013-02-28 4:51 pm
Fraternal means "brother-like." Identical twins result from a single fertilzed egg dividing into two separate embryos so the twins share all DNA. Fraternal twins result from two different eggs being fertilized by two different sperm at the same time. The babies are then born at the same time, but only share 25%of their DNA with each other, which is the same amount that siblings born at different times share. The word fraternal used in social organizations, like "the fraternal order of"...refers to the thought that the members are like brothers to each other. Modern french uses the word frere to mean brother.

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