Why did god create human nature?

2013-02-27 10:09 am
God is said to have created all things that make up what we know of to this day. In that sense, it is said that he created man. Why did he create man with human nature when his supposed goal, as seen in the 10 commandments, is to cleanse man of human nature. Don't believe me? Let me ask you, are characteristics like jealously, lust, selfishness, arrogance, and many more. The 10 commandments all say to suppress these feelings to become a good person. Doesn't that make us not humans but something else. Humans naturally strive to become better than their fellow man. That is human nature. So main point is, Why did God create man with human nature if all he wants is for us to suppress it and become something other than man? In order to go to heaven, you must suppress your human nature and repent the sins that you have already committed. This argument in a nutshell is basically human nature is sin.

回答 (4)

2013-02-27 10:10 am
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Well, you know what they always say. Write what you know.
2013-02-27 6:19 pm
He didn't since he doesn't exist.
2013-02-27 6:13 pm
The 10 Commandments do not illustrate his goal, neighbor.
2013-02-27 6:21 pm
I think what you need to comprehend is it is not the human that is sin rather it is the nature of a human, meaning this, the sins are things that are bad right? there for when those are rid of, then what are they? they are still human with a nature that is good yes? When God created Adam and Eve and all the things, He said in Genesis 1:31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.
Therefore Adam and Eve were good, they were fully human, it wasnt until they had ate of the tree that was forbidden did sin enter. Hence the beginning of mans-fall.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 14:43:50
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