Things that piss Pisces off?

2013-02-26 7:35 pm
so im not asking this to get "revenge"or anything like that.I just want to know as they are seen to be innocent and petite and the sort who havent done a wrong doing in the world.I know this isnt true as both my sister and my cousin are pisces and my cousin is wild!she is stubborn like me and so i know that when we get into debates,it really ticks her off when i am able to support my argument and prove her wrong.It also pisses her off when i beat her in physical play fights.she always gives excuses tho to why she is so angry but i know the real reason and wont talk to me for quite a while.I want to know you experiences with pisces and how you manage to tick them off?
any recommendations for how to really piss them off?

回答 (5)

2013-02-26 11:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Lol well I'm a Cancer who seems to find himself surrounded by a lot of Pisces. Teasing them works, or act ignorant. Or ask them to explain something. And after they are done explaining, ask them to explain further. Pisces like teaching but their ideas are usually scattered so thats an easy way to frustrate them.
2013-02-26 9:38 pm
Pisces are go with the flow people who are extrodinarly emotional beings. They don't take to well in being insulted.
參考: I'm a pisces.
2013-02-27 3:51 am
Hmm... the only things that makes me mad are when my friend jokes about drugs and killing himself. Its not funny. People tell me to do thingd I already did and being bombarded with questions. So actually nit much. I'm nit even iffended if people insult me.
參考: Pisces girl
2013-02-27 6:48 pm
Being bossy rudely ignoring or just or just being a jerk
參考: Pisces
2013-02-26 7:41 pm
From my XP pisces like intelligent people & dislike the not-so-intelligent ones :)

How to piss them off? Hmm...idk ,be a not-so-intelligent person. :D ?

Be against them & their freedom ,make it personal. (i don't reccomend you this ,just answering your question)
參考: Aquarius

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