if a child is 17 years old May 2012 do they qualify for child tax credit?

2013-02-26 12:35 am

回答 (5)

2013-02-26 1:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
They' have to still be 16 or under as of 12/31/12 to qualify for the child tax credit.
2013-02-26 2:50 am
Lose the credit for them in the year they turn 17
Can still receive EIC, though
參考: tax pro
2013-02-26 1:21 am
No. They must be *UNDER* 17 at the end of the year. That means they must be 16 or younger.
2013-02-26 3:08 am
2013-02-26 1:29 am
Yes and until they turn 18 and longer if they go off to school

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