She always wants me to refer to her eye colour as "hazel"!!?

2013-02-25 4:23 pm
ok my cousin right now is really pissing me off with this whole " OMG my eyes are hazel!!!!" i know its no big deal if they are or not but everytime i accidentally say her eyes are brown she gets so pissed off and always wants me to refer to them as hazel.It doesnt bother me what her eye colour is but i just feel like she always wants to prove a point to me saying how they are hazel and refers to her eyes as having "a little bit of yellow in them".i joke about whenever she says that though as i know hazel eyes are pretty but its like she wants me to know that they are eccentric and her eye colour is as good as my brown eyes.When she was talking to me about her friend and how she got given a compliment about how nice her eyes were she told me that they weren't even nice but boring as they were brown and then she said "jeesh i have hazel eyes" "mine are way nicer".Shes really pissing me off because she makes it out as though brown eyes are boring and nothing like her "hazel" ones.I know this is such a stupid thing to worry about ,espechially on here but she is just so annoying.Its like she wants to prove a point to me always even when its just about something as small as our eye colour!! Today whilst she was "proving" her point about her hazel eyes she said that the green shows more effectively in the light and i said that peoples colours do tend to seem different in the light.As does my hair,i said that my eyes tend to have a tint of red and mostly orange/honey colour in the light and as soon as i said that she pounced at me saying how i was lying and was like "OMG NO THEY'RE NOT THEY'RE A DARK BROWN" "YOU JUST HAVE BROWN IN YOUR EYES" as if i wasnt aware of the colour of my eyes.When i asked her why she cared so much anyway whether she had hazel eyes or not she said"it just pisses me off when people claim i have a certain eye colour when i dont and is much more to that i mean jeesh i know the colour of my eyes and i dont need people telling me what it is!" hypocrite much.
I dont know why shes like this though.I mean whenever we talk about our eyes (i know weird right) she just refers to her eye colour instead of her actual eyes.she has really fair and short lashes in comparison to my big eyes and long dark lashes and so i dont blame her of having so much pride over her eye colour but its just really annoying!
any advice?
what should i say if she keeps continuing!?
your opinion?
no rude comments please! thankyou xxxxx

回答 (4)

2013-02-25 7:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Ok, first it's not like she has violet eyes or something to be feeling so superior. Also, I've seen people with deep blue eyes that don't even look good since they have short lashes and not a nice eye shape. On the other hand, I've seen very important and beautiful models with dazling brown eyes. Hazel isn't only having some little green in the sun. That's still brown. Hazel is when eyes have green, orange and even some yellow mixed with a little brown, and they can be seen even when not in the sunlight. And even so, it's just an eye colour. I'm sure your eyes look way better than hers if what you described is true. So the next time she starts with her "jeesh! My eyes are hazel!" Just tell her that its just an eye colour, that it's not even hazel and doesn't even mean that her eyes are prettier. You must take her down of her cloud of superiority for her own good, or this could be very bad for her in the future.
Have a lovely day! xx
2013-02-26 12:49 am
I know its annoying. But thats how most girls are. Eventually she will grow out of her "hazel eye drama" just give it time. If she continues being annoying just ignore her. All she wants is attention. And since you argue with her your giving it to her. Just tell her ok we all know you have hazel eyes. At some point she'll realize how rude and annoying she is and will appologize. Good luck!
2013-02-26 1:58 am
I honestly hate to sound patronizing here but I really don't understand what the big deal is. If her eyes are hazel or not, why should that create such friction between friends? I mean, knowing that it has gone on for so long I suppose might cause someone to take it a little too seriously, but if you're finding it so difficult to resolve or simply accept, think of it this way: Will this matter a year from now? If not, then don't stress too much over it. I'm sure venting about how you feel must have helped a measure, and now that it's done, my only advice is to take deep, cleansing breaths and allow it to slide off your shoulders like eggs off a Teflon pan. And just let it go. If you want to keep your friendship with this girl, you should try to focus more on what you have in common, rather than your obvious differences in opinion. Sooner or later you will have to learn to respect and forgive others hardheaded opinions at any rate.

You did the right thing sharing how you felt about it. It's a much healthier option than bottling your emotions.
2013-02-26 3:18 am
A really good friend of mine with brown eyes used to refer to her eyes as 'greenish-light brown'. She would insist, when everybody else viewed them as plain brown (just as they actually are). I told her straight out that they are clearly brown and that there is nothing wrong with that. Everytime she would call her eyes greenish, I would tell her the ugly truth straight out-that there is no green in her eyes. After some time, she simply stop referring to her eye color.
I also used to have another friend who was really insecure and vain; she would call herself curvy when she was near to fat, she would call her eyes almond-shaped when they were slanted and squinty, she would call her breasts and butt big and firm and sexy, when they were big due to her excess weight. Everytime I mentioned anything good about myself, she would start giggling and acting EXACTLY like your cousin does!!!!! I cannot believe how much this ex-friend of mine and your cousin look alike! And we would always end up fighting with that girl, because she was just so vain and always thought she was the right one who knew it all. Deep down, that was because she felt really bad about her appearance and her overall self. This is the reason why we have cut off contact; I couldn't stand her anymore.

Anyway, I told you all these to help you realise the situation you are in.
Just keep telling your cousin her eyes are not hazel and if she keeps acting the same, then do the exact opposite. Start calling them hazel, to see her reaction lol.
Just be patient and this too shall pass. She will someday realize how pathetic she seems acting like this. Maybe ask from other friends of yours to tell her the truth about her eye color as well -she might then change her mind.
Good luck :)

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