How to stop hating Geminis'?

2013-02-25 3:39 pm
ok so i know this is a weird question but i need your opinions.
I am a Cancer girl and i am not one to judge however i seem to dislike Geminis traits and well them in general.I guess its because there is a gemini girl in my year who is "popular" and everyone seems to love.I know that is no crime and its not her fault,its just that she is so PERFECT! she has hazel eyes and and brown wavy hair which is quite long ,her height is average and she gets along with everyone! she has a big group of friends and whenever i walk past she is always distracted by the guys giving her attention and is flirting t her hearts content!I guess the main reason why i dislike them is because they are outgoing and loud and have a big gob and are exactly opposite to me!
They piss me off so much because because even though they are loud they set people to ease and everyone loves being around their company!
its like for every negative trait they have,they have a positive to make it alright.
they gossip but know when to shutup,they have free souls e.t.c.
i know im jealous so i dont need any comments saying how jealous i am but i hope you can see why:
C:rather stay at home and dwell on past
G:isnt afraid to share their ambitions and hobbies to the world
C:keeps my art (my hobby) to myself
G:prom queen
C:social reject
( ok so maybe last bit of being a social reject isnt completely true as i do have a few close friends who i wouldnt change for the world as their about as real and genuine then her 100s of friends)
I guess i just want to know what cancers are better at than geminins
I mean i know we are nurturing but the way astrology makes it out to be,its as though we are so close to our family but its not like they bow down to a cancerian in their presence
How do i stop hating and stop being jealous of geminis?
is there anything good about cancers?

回答 (1)

2013-02-25 3:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Don't let the traits of horoscopes dictate who you are. If you want to be more outgoing then do it.

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