Why dont jahova witnesses believe Jesus is God?

2013-02-25 11:50 am
Jesus claimed to,be God through the whole new testament. He also warned people about adding and taking,away from his word and thats,exactly what jws did. They wrote their own bible. Plus the guy that discovered the cult predicted the end of the world 3,times. Its definitely a,CULT.

回答 (8)

2013-02-25 12:39 pm
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You must need a pair of reading glasses because NOWHERE IN THE NEW TESTAMENT DOES JESUS EVER CLAIM TO BE GOD. As i say, you're either in need of some new glasses OR you're deliberately lying. Jesus never, ever claimed to be God. And I'm not a Jehovah's Witness! ...
2013-02-25 11:25 pm
Jesus said at John 8:54 that it is his Father that glorifies him and that his Father is who the Jews consider as their God!

With that statement we need to see what the God of the Jews said. At Isaiah 45:5&6 as well as many other verses, Jehovah (the God of the Jews) states that there are no other gods with him or besides him.

Jesus can not be any part of a Trinity. At Deuteronomy 6:4 it states that Jehovah our God is one Jehovah. Jesus emphasized this again at Mark 12:29.

The scriptures do not deny that others are called god. Psalms 82:1&6 and John 10:34:35 has reference to angels called gods. I Corinthians 8:5 says there are many that are called gods, but at verse 6 it says to us there is only one God - God the Father. Jesus called the Father the only true God (John 17:3).

When Jehovah is stating there are no other gods, he is talking of the Supreme and Almighty kind. He alone is Supreme and the Most High (Psalms 83:18). Jesus is the son of the Most High (Luke 1:32).

We are encouraged by the bible to believe Jesus is the "son of God" (John 20:31; 1 John 4:15). The scriptures never call Jesus "God the Son."

The New World Translation is an attempt to put God's name back into the bible and rely on older manuscripts and remove false added translations such as 1 John 5:7 and 1 Timothy 3:16. Compare those to older Greek manuscripts and you will see that those that believe in a Trinity have corrupted the translations.

John 1:1 says nothing about a Trinity.

The word is with “the God’ (ho theos), Jesus is not one and the same as the one he is with. Jesus’ statement at John 8:54 – it is his Father who the Jews consider their God. Jesus is not his Father, otherwise, he would be giving himself glory. Jesus said that he does not glorify himself, but it is his Father that glorifies him! So the end of John 1:1 is talking of his nature, not that he is “the God” (ho theos). Jesus is a god, a mighty god (Isaiah 9:6). Jesus is not God Almighty, the God of the Jews (John 8:54). Jesus had a beginning (Col 1:15; Rev 3:14). He was with God in the Beginning. The only one directly created by God. All other creation was created THROUGH Jesus by God (John 1:3; Col 1:16; 1 Cor 8:6).

Jehovah states at Deut 32:39 “there are no gods together with me.”
2013-02-25 9:04 pm
If there is any question that you have about Jehovah's witnesses, it can definitely be answered at jw.org
2013-02-25 8:40 pm
Sorry friend but you've got it wrong. Nowhere in the bible does it say that Jesus is God.It doesn't even come close. By the way you have wrote your piece about Jehovah's Witnesses and the "guy that discovered the cult",you have shown that you have a very limited knowledge of who Jehovah's Witnesses really are and what they believe.
If you are going by what other people have told you about us,then you are trusting in other peoples prejudices. Why not make your own mind up by finding out about us.But keep an open mind and don't be judgmental.
2013-02-26 3:49 am
If you look up a Definition of a Cult. Cults have to follow a man.

Jehovah's Witnesses read and do there best to follow Gods word in the Bible.

One thing you will find is a People around the world in Unity Who Love God.

I am One of Jehovah's Witnesses

參考: To see Jehovah's Witnesses go to : http://www.jw.org/en/
2013-02-26 1:54 am
Where did Jesus said," He was God?"

John 1:1 ?




Now ask yourself, If your belief was trinitarian

How would you have translated it?

and the word was with " The" God


So, when you read, "and the word was with God" it means he is with

Holy,Holy,Holy is Jehovah God
2013-02-26 7:51 pm
In the book of Mark chapter 5 it relates an Event of a man who was possessed by demons.
Please read this chapter because you may find it very Interesting.
Just note what the demons say to Jesus:In verse 6
"But on catching sight of Jesus from a distance he ran and did obeisance to him, 7 and, when he had cried out with a loud voice, he said: “What have I to do with you, Jesus, Son of the Most High God?mI put you under oath by God not to torment me

Even demons acknowledge that Jesus is the son of the Most High God.
2013-02-25 8:10 pm
A lot of people consider it to be a cult. Though I don't want to offend them, I consider their group to be like a sheep in wolf's clothing. It may have great and persuasive teachings, but that is all worthless without realising and believing in the divinity of Christ. Moreover, they warp texts out of context and misinterpret them. They don't believe in Hell even though Jesus said that those who do not bare fruit will be cast into the flames (furnace), and that the Pharisees would receive a greater punishment (giving hint to Hell).

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