study in uk questions

2013-02-25 7:58 am
1.what is the different between specification A and B in Maths?

2.If I seat for igcse in may/june (as school candidate),it will send the result to school in late august.Do i have enough time to apply to a top school for the sixth form?

3.,in general,since some schools require overseas students to apply a year before,when will schools there about to accept application form for the sixth form?

4 it seems school's entrance tests are offered via HKEAA, is that mean I can take an entrance test in a certain period?When will it be?

回答 (1)

2013-02-27 2:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1.what is the different between specification A and B in Maths?

>> 只係syllabus 唔一樣, 所以paper 問問題既方法亦會唔一樣, 你可以搵番spec a 同spec b 既syllabus 出黎睇就會知道了.

2.If I seat for igcse in may/june (as school candidate),it will send the result to school in late august.Do i have enough time to apply to a top school for the sixth form?

>> 應該唔夠時間, 因為一般top 既中學, 好多都係一年前/半年前已經fill up 哂, 你8月先有成績, 好多都已經full 哂, waiting list 都冇, 所以如果你係今年9月想過去英國讀6th form, 最好係而家apply 定, 話俾英國學校果邊, 你會考igcse, 咁佢地知道左之後就會出offer 俾你 (即係話如果你igcse 考到咩成績就會收你), 咁你到時8月有成績之後, 就可以同番英國學校果邊講, 你考到果個成績, 如果meet 到offer, 就可以入學, 如果唔到, 就唔接了.

3.,in general,since some schools require overseas students to apply a year before,when will schools there about to accept application form for the sixth form?

>> 好多都係一年前, 如果係今年9月入學, 好多學校上年10月已經開始接受報名, 而同時學校果邊一次過唔可以收太多overseas 學校, 係有limit, 所以full 左就係full 左. 如果你有好既成績, 但係學校full 左, 都係冇用的.

4 it seems school's entrance tests are offered via HKEAA, is that mean I can take an entrance test in a certain period?When will it be?

>> 如果有的話, 係hkeaa 上面可以睇到, 但如果我係你, 想入一d 好既學校的話, 我會搵agent 攪, 一黎agent 同某一d 學校有connection, 二黎會快好多. apply 好既學校就好似同時間比賽一樣, 因為唔只得你一個想入好學校, 好多overseas 學校都想入好既學校, 呢個就睇下你到底係想慳錢定係入好學校了.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp :]

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