✔ 最佳答案
Please send us the photo(s) for the style of hat/cap which has been ordered by us as soon as possible. After we have received the photo(s) and confirmed, we will remit the deposit to you by T/T. Thanks!
由於不知道原句所指的「相」是一張或多於一張,所以未能確定在英譯裡的 "photo(s)" 單數(singular)或是複數(plural);另由於不知道原句所指的「帽」是指英文裡的 "hat" 或 "cap",所以也未能確定在英譯裡要用上兩者中哪個。前述的煩請依據實際情況選取套用。英譯裡的 "After we have received the photo(s) and confirmed," 用現在完成式(present perfect tense)是要表達要完成 "receive the photo(s) and confirm" 後,才會發生後續的 "we will remit the deposit to you by T/T."。("remit" 意指傳送或匯寄,其名詞是 "remittance";"deposit" 意指訂金或定金;"T/T" 即 "telegraphic transfer" 的縮寫,意指電匯)