What mean of Marconi???

2013-02-25 2:42 am
What mean of Marconi???Hurry! THX!!!!!!

回答 (5)

2013-02-25 7:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1) Gugliemo Marconi (1874-1937) ~ Italian inventor, Nobel Prize winner in Physics, 馬可尼, 意大利無線電報發明者

(2) 有可能是指以前英國公司 Marconi plc ~ a British company which makes electrical, electronic, and telecommunication products.

(3) 有可能是指 Marconi International Knitters Limited ~ a knitwear manufacturer in Hong Kong.

macaroni (通心粉) 是另外一個字, 完全不同 spelling

2013-03-02 02:23:32 補充:
你寫 Marconi 是大寫字母, 是 proper noun (專有名詞),
macaroni (通心粉)不需要大草, 是 common noun

marconi (verb) = 打無線電報
marconi (noun) = 無線電報

但是英英字典 (Oxford, Cambridge, Longman) 沒有這解釋, 極少這麼使用
2013-02-27 3:46 am
I think you spelt it wrong, there's no such word as marconi. It should be macaroni. Macaroni is a kind of pasta. It is in a tube shape. In latin language (word) "macarare" means soaks in the liquid.
Hope this will help you:)
2013-02-25 5:59 pm

2013-02-25 3:41 am
The Marcoloni is not the Noodle food.in Restaurant.
Marconi was an Italian inventor, known as father of long distance radio transmission, and for his development of Marconi's law and radio telegraph system.
He invents the radio=develop of wireless telegraphy.
He is founder of the The WIreless Telegraphy and Signal Co. in Britain 1897.
2013-02-25 3:04 am

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