
2013-02-25 1:42 am
Infinite love you gave to me


回答 (3)

2013-02-25 6:49 pm
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雖然大約知道你想講乜你給了我無限(無盡)的愛 不果英語甚少用infinite來形容love,你要自創(作詩)也無不可,但可以參考別的英語標題,例如endless love,everlasting love等都是這個意思。Infinite一般用於理科和數學上或神學上無限的意思,把一個人的愛推至無限盡反而太誇張便變得無意義了。 Gave to me從你思想(我估是用中文)的看來很正確代表”給予我”,不過英文詞give本身已經包括方向性,you give me就必然是from you to me,所以不會再寫to的,寫了反而是錯文法,只有當你要表示一種處境的give something to someone時才會加to,而且一般是物件,例如I gave the book to you last month.但你講愛是抽象的東西則一定不會用to。 最後是tense的問題,用gave是過去時式,意思代表記憶過去已發生了的give的話,表示已經不再亦已完結,用於愛或你想說永遠/無限的愛是對立的寫法。 所以如果要寫得像英文詩: The everlasting love you have given me.
2013-02-25 7:15 am
In the sentence whom you gave to me
=(whom) you gave to me.
(whom) is missing as omission, and should be filled in,
We can use who, which, that, whose, whom, and what as relative pronouns.
Hence the relative clause=whom you gave to me;
Subject=The Infinite love,
good no problem
2013-02-25 1:56 am
In the sentence whom you gave to me
=(whom) you gave to me.
(whom) is missing as omission, and should be filled in,
We can use who, which, that, whose, whom, and what as relative pronouns.
Hence the relative clause=whom you gave to me;
Subject=The Infinite love,

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