請問 wish 和 hope 這兩個英文字之間的分別:

2013-02-24 11:51 pm
請問 wish 和 hope 這兩個英文字之間的分別:



回答 (4)

2013-02-27 5:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Wish 是願望, Hope 是希望, 很多時互用, 它們的微細含意和用法不同, 容易混亂

(a) Wish + infinitive (meaning want to)
I wish to go to Boston.

Wish + pronoun + infinitive
Do you wish me to come back earlier?

表示說話的人願望, 但對這種心願是否能實現, 未加考慮

(b) wish that ……………..
表示一種夢想, 心願, 或對過去發生的事發表評論或感嘆

I wish I lived in Boston.
My brother wished (that) he had not done that.

Wish + that-clause is not generally used for wishes about things that seem possible in the future. We often use hope in this sense.

(c) wish + somebody + something ( two objects)
表示祝福 (a fixed expression of good wishes)

I wish you a pleasant trip.
We wish you a Merry Christmas.

表示想做的事或期待出現某種積極而有利的結果, 而這種希望是可以實現

a) hope + infinitive
He hopes to become doctor.

(b) hope that ………
I hope that you can help me.

Wish 和 Hope 最大的分別是

如果是夢想, 假設, 不能實現
Clauses after wish are formed with subjunctive.(假設語氣)
後面的 verb 是 past tense, but the sentence is present and future in meaning.
I wish I knew Spanish. (~ but I don’t know Spanish
I wish I had more friends. (~ but I don’t have many friends.)
I wish I were young. (~ but I am not young.)

You can also use would and could. (~ express regret or annoyance)
I wish he would come.

When talking about things that you would like to have happened, use wish and the past perfect tense. (~wishes in the past)

I wish I had paid more attention in class. (已經發生, 早知…是感嘆)

Hope 多數是講將來, 不會用 subjunctive
The verb hope is used with either present or future, when there is no question of human ‘willingness “

I hope it snows (will snow) tomorrow.

When human willingness is involved, you must use future
I hope you will visit us. (= an invitation)

wish 和 hope 可以做 noun
verb (express, fulfill, make, respect, grant, meet, obey, ignore, go against) + wish

wish + verb (come true)

verb (boost, bring, raise, cling to, give up, lose, kill, crush, destroy, end, offer) + hope

hope + verb (grow, die, remain, fade)

參考: Practical English Usage ~ Swan
2013-02-27 12:51 pm
2013-02-27 3:56 am
eg. i wish i can redo the test again.
i hope that i will be a doctor in the future.
2013-02-25 1:22 am
I wish I were really wealthy. 但願我真的富有。

What do you wish me to do? 你想要我做什麼?

I wish you a happy birthday. 祝你生日快樂。

We have everything we can wish for. 我們希望得到的東西都有了。

1.希望, 願望
Her wish to become a doctor has come true. 她想當醫生的願望實現了。

2.心願, 想要的東西

3.祝福, 祈頌
Please send her my good wishes when you write to her. 你給她寫信時,請代我向她致意。


vt. 及物動詞:
1.希望, 盼望
I hope that he will succeed. 我期望他會成功。

vi. 不及物動詞:
1.希望, 期待
Everyone hopes for snow. 人人盼望下雪。

n. 名詞:
1.希望, 期望
You mustn't give up hope. 你一定不要絕望。

We have a slim hope of success. 我們有一線成功的希望。

You are my only hope. 你是我唯一的希望。
參考: me

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