Change the nouns into plural form. Make other necessary changes and rewrite the sentences.
This piece of bread is delicious.
These piece of bread is delicious.
These pieces of bread are delicious.
(Change the nouns into plural form, Make other necessary changes and rewrite the sentences. ) 這是不是解作要把這句句子由單數變做複數?
1. 所以, 我把 This 這個, 轉做 These (this 的複數形式);
2. 那為什麼 piece( 解作: 一個, 一張, 一片, 一瑰) 要轉做pieces呢? 那為什麼 bread (面包) 又不用加s 呢?
3. 因為要成句句子轉做複數, 所以也要把 is 轉做are;
4. 因為dellicious是解作好味, 所以是轉不到複數的, 所以不用改變- 照寫.
請幫我解答這些question, Thank you.
回答 (3)
✔ 最佳答案
Change the nouns into plural form, Make other necessary changes and rewrite the sentences.解作:更改的名詞變成複數形式,進行其他必要的修改和重寫的句子。
bread (面包)是不可數的名詞,所以不用加s ,piece是可數的名詞所以加s
所以是some computers
參考: me
i think your book's answer is not correct too.
if its a plural for your question the answer should be: "these breads are delicious"
instead "these pieces of bread is delicious" piece of bread is a word used in single form sentence piece of bread= 一個麵包 so the answer of your book should be wrong. you can ask for your teacher.
hope this can help you with your problem:)
2013-02-26 20:03:38 補充:
to the problem that why "bread" don't have to add a 's" this is because you already used the 量詞 and added "s" in their so you don't have to add an "s" in "bread" this is a rule of english, there are no reasons.
2013-02-26 20:05:56 補充:
"there is are computer" is already wrong. you cannot put is and are together in one sentence. and "a" have to change into "some" because "a" and "some" is a 量詞 you have to change the 量詞 also in the sentence
a= single
so that's why you will have to change the "a" also!
You have to understand that by changing a sentence from singular to plural or the other way around, you will have to change every word that has a singular/plural form.
In the first case,
(bread is uncountable and can't be changes into 'breads')
Similarly for your computer sentence,
As 'a' is talking about a single object like a tree, a dog...
You will have to change it's form
There is no definite plural form for 'a',
depending on whether the object is countable, you can use 'some'/'a few'/...
*You cannot change a-are because 'are' is the plural form for 'is' and has no relation with 'a'
I think you need to find and English tutor, because singular/plural are just basics in the English grammar and I'd be willing to help.
參考: chaim_li@yahoo.com.hk
收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:18:43
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