英文!!!!Agreement !

2013-02-24 8:34 pm
1. The army is going to remain in this village.
2. The army have rescued already most of the travelers
3. The army ___ going to guard this village.
咁第三個係咩== 佢吔打算守衛這村莊==" 咁用單定眾....


回答 (4)

2013-02-25 4:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
the army is going to guard this village
the army = a group of people
a group of people = singular
一組人 會管
除非系armies 先會 are ;)
希望幫到你 ;)
參考: 自己 xddddd
2013-02-25 7:23 pm
The army基本上是一個單數(集體)名詞,既可表示是軍團單位(陸軍),亦可表示是軍隊整體。 你問的問題可能出在選取這些例句的事件的前因後果和寫作人想表達的處境。假如按文法,第2句應該是The army has rescued most of the travelers already.[原句寫法擺放already的位置有小問題]。但可能當時寫的事件發生在不同地點或有不同的軍事部隊進行這個救援行動,所以用個verb來暗示(表達)這些隱藏的情況。單從文法未必可以全面解釋的。 第3句其實跟第一句意義同等,加上文法的結構,應該是The army is going to guard this village.
2013-02-25 8:34 am
前面有a/an/the 後面個個army係可以單數/雙數
如果前面無a/an/the 後面一定係眾數
參考: 我
2013-02-24 9:44 pm
The soldiers of the army have rescued most of the travelers.
The army is going to guard this village.

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