Have Jai & ariana split?

2013-02-22 9:43 pm
ok so there have been rumours going around on twitter for the past few hours saying how they have split due to their relationship being too "distant" however i do not know where all this has come from and not sure whether to believe it or not :/
do you know what happened?
do you believe this rumor?
whats your view on it?

回答 (2)

2013-02-22 9:58 pm
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Yes they have, if you go on to jais' twitter they both found it hard to be apart. But he also said they still love each other!
2013-02-23 4:33 am
Yes they did split. It was because of being apart so much. But they are still in love.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 19:41:01
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