Is it a complete "NO NO" to criticize America or things American within this forum?

2013-02-22 2:57 pm
I have noticed that every time I do in defence of MY Royal family ,i receive a violation notice from one of the illustrious "yanks " .It's all well and good for Americans to insult MY Royal family but as soon as you "hit back " the "titty lip " comes out and you get banjo-ed,is because they believe everything they say is gospel and anybody who say's otherwise is wrong ,if that's the case why do SOME cowards resort to whinging and whining to Y/A ,I always thought America was the land of the brave ! ! My last answer to a question set by "Blanche " has been deleted due to the fact I had the temerity to have a "pop" at things American ,come on Yanks " where is your "John Wayne " attitude ,oh sorry he was a yellow belly ,wasn't he ?

Edit @ "Mary" if that's the case as you have stated ,the Americans shouldn't say anything about Royalty ,but I disagree with that ,anybody should have the right to speak their mind ,but my "beef " is that SOME Americans cannot and will not accept criticism whatsoever,after all they are the "BEESKNEES"and why should they be wrong ?


Edit @ "DAR 76" my operative word WAS some Americans ,not all of them .



回答 (8)

2013-02-22 4:49 pm
I just recently found this category and I find its very funny. You Brits are hilarious. I don't mind the anti-americanism. I expect it. lol
2013-02-22 3:50 pm
So long as the questions, responses, and comments concern the subject matter of the catagory and meet community guidelines, there should be no problem. Here, the catagory is "royalty". Royalty does not exist in the US and it would seem inappropriate for anybody to retaliate against any poster with comments or criticisms outside the scope of the catagory.

PS: I agree that many Americans are quite arrogant. However, I would also note that many Americans appear to be MUCH better informed about the royalty and related laws and customs and history of the UK than many posters from the UK. And isn't that a sad commentary!
2013-02-22 8:02 pm
Its nothing to do with insulting America.As far as I can see its chat. In fact the asker refers to "this forum" The asker knows its not a forum.Its a question and answer site. You answer the asked question with no reference to any other member.
The asker should know many Americans have no idea how the Royal family works. If any post is considered a violation the asker must report it not react to it in any way.
Its what is a violation,not what any member doesn't like personally.
2013-02-22 4:03 pm
Absolutely not. American's are the biggest critics of America by far.
2013-02-22 8:31 pm
i like america, but the NRA are completely insane. i thank you
2016-10-08 3:39 pm
i assume it may be through fact many seem to criticize united statesa. and forget its reliable factors. working example, they are asserting united statesa. is an evil us of a through fact we've placed the Iraqi human beings by way of a unfavorable ordeal. That comes off as united statesa.-hating. additionally, in case you criticize the basics tenets of what the country became outfitted upon, it places your loyalties at doubt. In specific venues (like this crappy one) human beings make snap judgements approximately the place you're coming from and would equate you with the main despicable people who voice comparable critiques. this is probable no longer honest yet that's the way it style of feels to be.
2013-02-23 1:32 am
Wow, is that a diatribe? I'm not sure because I fell asleep half-way through it. Yawn.

My little sister can whine better than that. So, you see, I'm not insulted as an American. As an American I can tell you, my country can suck! It has no business in War. It has no business anywhere, but America! It should get along and not be divided by party lines or religious affiliation. We should not be divided by race, wealth status, etc., etc. BUT WE ARE!

People are people. British, American or French we're all the same. We suck, but we also do great things! We care about the rest of the world when we don't have too. We ARE a great country, the same as England. Get over it.
2013-02-22 4:50 pm
THEY are biased...I had a comment with somewhat anti US comments removed days ago...Appealed but no go...NOT long ago TOLD by another on here, from the US, that it was a US forum and I was JUST a guest.....

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