
2013-02-22 10:34 pm
本人有意想考ao/eo...都知競爭大架喇, 但係試下無妨既, 反正有興趣 ;]
下面有D問題唔知有冇相關人士可以幫一幫手? 萬分感激!

1.想問問考CRE有冇咩條件? 洗唔洗大學要讀社會系OR要超高GPA?

2.CRE考試範圍大槪有冇disclose到, 定係一定要報course? (想自己做d準備先 :] )


4.我宜家大學yr2 (degree), 唔知宜家既我有冇咩可以準備?


回答 (1)

2013-02-22 11:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. As soon as you have a Bachelor Degree (or graduating), you can take CRE.

(CRE is merely a test for screening applicants. It has nothing to do with your chance for getting the job.)

2. They are similar to HKALE level.

3. No.

4. Nothing - you are not yet qualified. Beside - if your HKALE result is C or higher for Use of English and/or Chinese Language and Culture, that portion of the test will be waived upon providing the result.

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